What is it about the Shu Uemura eyelash curlers?


Well-known member
This may be a silly question but what is the thinking behind the half lash curler- to only curl the lashes on the outer half of the eye or to do your lashes in sections?

Kat K

Active member
I've been using the Shu Uemura one for years now but I recently discovered the Shiseido Maquillage curler and it's definitely my new HG curler. It fits amazingly! And it is able to grab all my lashes (because it's wider than the Shu one) so I don't even need to use a half curler for the outer corners. The curvature is also wider so it may be great for those who find that the Shu one doesn't fit their eye shape perfectly. It truly truly works wonders. I would really urge anyone who isn't 100% satisfied with the Shu one to give the Maquillage one a try. I can't stop raving about it to my friends. It's just the best.


Well-known member
its the only eyelash curler i have and i love it!! i makes my lashes curl way easier than cheaper brands! maybe i ll try the shiseido one in the future!

Ms Jelena

I love shu uemura eyelash curlers - they really give an amazing curl. Question - do any of you replace them after 6 months, as per the instructions the curler comes with?


Well-known member
You shouldn't need to replace the curlers themselves, only the pads. Well, I guess the companies tell you to do that, but I've never actually needed to replace one. i still have my old Revlon one and I don't think I even ever replaced the pads. Yeah, I'm lazy.

I wanted the Shu a few years back and of course it was discontinued in the US. Instead I picked up the Shiseido. I've never pinched my eyes so many times in my life. Here it is 2 years later and I'm still using it b/c I spent so much money on it. Ugh! I found the Shu available again so I was thinking about trying it. Then two things happened. One, I got a free curler from Sephora. Two, the Lancome rep said they bought the rights to the Shu Uemera and now produce the same curler with the Lancome name slapped on it. Now I don't know what to do. I don't want to try the Sephora version b/c if the Shu is truly better then I'd rather give the Sephora one away as a gift. If I purchase the Shu I will be spending more than I need to due to shipping and probably can't return it. The Lancome version will be cheaper for me, however, at least one reviewer says the Lancome version isn't identical. I don't want to just be drinking the Shu-laid. Any suggestions?

I read the Shu and Shiseido are great for those with flat eyes. Does that sound true to you have used it?

Ms Jelena

MssTT, it does wonders on my friend's lashes and she's got quite flat eyes with tiny lashes. Give it a go at the counter and see how you like it :) x


Well-known member
Unfortunately no counter near me. I don't think we can pick up the Shu at counters in the US. Online only. I don't have flat eyes, but was wondering if that is why the Shiseido constantly pinches me.


Well-known member
are these better than heated eyelash curlers i have the straightest hard to curl lashes i don't think i have ever successfully been able to curl them,does anyone think these could do the trick?


Well-known member
I recently repurchased one after having been without it for years. When Shu pulled out of America, I had to go with other brands. I kept meaning to order from the website once it had a U.S. side but I'm so funny about shipping. I feel I have to buy a lot to justify shipping so I kept putting it off. Finally broke down. I think the shu just fits the shape of my eye better than other curlers. I've never used a heated curler so I can't compare. If you are ordering from the U.S. site just try and wait for a good gift. I'm sorry I missed out on the lipgloss set from a few weeks ago. I just wish this site offered all the glitter shadows.


Well-known member
are these better than heated eyelash curlers i have the straightest hard to curl lashes i don't think i have ever successfully been able to curl them,does anyone think these could do the trick?  
I've never tried a heated one, but I got a "heat stick" from Sephora. You put your mascara on, heat up this little stick with a wand on the end, then brush the wand through your eye lashes to curl them. It does work well. I also have the Shu Uemura. It works well but I did sometimes pinch the skin on my eyes.

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