What is the best brush to apply fluidline eyeliner?


Well-known member
I just bought the 212 brush to apply my fluidline but I was just wondering what everyone else used and if my choice was a good one or not. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
I actually use an artists' brush from Michael's. It's a Loew Cornell 4300 Shader brush. It was only like $3. It works great for me ;]


Well-known member
I use the 209. It's the perfect brush for me. I've tried angled and push brushes, but I've had the best luck with the 209. I'm consistently happy with my eyeliner application now.


Well-known member
I use the one from sephora, the black-handled pointed eyeliner brush. It was between 8-10 dollars (I think 10) and it works great.


Well-known member
I use smashbox's arched liner brush, i think its the number 21 off the top of my head. I find the fact that its bent makes it so easy to apply the liner.


Active member
when i first bought my fluidline, the MA told me to use the 266 but i had so much trouble using it so i started using an avon brush similar to the 209. once i got the hang of it, the 266 is much better, you can do a thin line and thick lines.

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