What is the cheapest price you have found (Authentic) MAC pigment samples for sale?


Well-known member
I am trying to do a swap on another forum with someone... she wants a larger item of mine and then is trying to get me to throw in 5 or 6 of my pigment samples. The price difference in our swap is only a couple dollars so I think she is trying to rip me off LOL. Can anyone tell me the lowest price they've paid (including shipping since I would be shipping them to her) for piggies
Thanks so much!!!
for pigment samples it depends on how much and if they are rare or not

ive paid 1/2 for deckchair for $5 then like add $2 for shipping
Pigments are so light so they dont cost of lot to ship.
Ive bought 3 or more at a time full sized and probably only spent $30 shipped