What is this?


Well-known member
These look like the old screw top e/s that used to be marketed by MAC, but I hae never owned one or seen one to know if these are AUTHENTIC screw tops. However there was a colour called halftone blue.


Well-known member
The large pic appears to be Halftone Blue, but used.

Halftone Blue was one of the Colour Theory 9 shadows. It was a large size shadow with a flip lid (current style). It is a sheer, satin like texture with a frost overspray. Within the overspray was a number. Halftone Blue had a "3". See my pic below for details. Soooo, if that pic was actually hers and not Temptalia's, the shadow is used. Those 3 smaller shadows that she is picturing are not Halftone Blue.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babycakes
these look totally fake..I dont believe old screwtops had the mac on the plastic like that..

They did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The large pic appears to be Halftone Blue, but used.

......... Soooo, if that pic was actually hers and not Temptalia's, the shadow is used.

This pic is definitely Temptalias - I was there the other day and recognised it instantly when I saw it again in the ebay listing - its identical.

This is Temptalias pic found at http://www.temptalia.com/mac-cosmeti...ws-blues-teals ~ (sorry Christine!)


The ebay pic ~