What is your favorite/most used mac pigment and glitter?


Well-known member
Re: Which Reflects Glitter do you use the most?

Try it in the centre of your lip on a blue toned red lipstick - amazingness.


Well-known member
Re: Which Reflects Glitter do you use the most?

Reflects Transparent Teal is gorgeous, but I find myself using Reflects Pearl more lately... maybe because I havent done many blue/turquoisey/green looks lately though.


Well-known member
Smoke Signals! But Royal Flush gets the award for being the most versatile, I can do eyes, cheeks and lips with it and it looks amazing

(Brunette, fair, hazel)

Also, now I have Bloodline and that is steadily moving to the top of my list......


Well-known member
i have a quite a few pigments but i don't use any of them except sweet sienna. i love love love this color! i also use vanilla from time to time as a highlight.


Well-known member
vanilla pigment! i love using it as an all over lid color, it's white but once blended on the lid it creates a gorgeous gold glow


Well-known member
You seriously expect us to narrow it down to one? Only one?

Okay, mine is Fairy Lite

(runner ups are Naked, Bee Dust, Sifted Silver, Silver Fog, French Violet, Dusky Coral, Pink Vivid, Teatime, Yr Ladyship, Lovely Lily, and White Gold)


Well-known member
Re: What is everyone's favorite MAC pigment and/or glitter?

Naked and FairyLite
Bee Dust if I could find more
Sifted Silver
Tea Time
Green Brown
French Violet
Dusky Coral
Pink Vivid