What is your latest haulage?


Well-known member
So if you keep on fertilize me, then I'd eventually pop out nail polishes one by one? Feed me.

Oh my gosh.. Now I know where you are coming from Jeanette. I just looked up Dictionary. com and it came up with this:

fer⋅ti⋅lize  /ˈfɜrtlˌaɪz/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fur-tl-ahyz] Show IPA
Use fertilize in a Sentence
–verb (used with object), -lized, -liz⋅ing. 1. Biology. a. to render (the female gamete) capable of development by uniting it with the male gamete.
b. to fecundate or impregnate (an animal or plant).

2. to make fertile; enrich: to fertilize farmland.
3. to make productive.

I meant 2!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
So if you keep on fertilize me, then I'd eventually pop out nail polishes one by one? Feed me.


How convenient that would be!

*feeds Nat*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Today I got Microfine Refinisher and Studio Moisture Cream.. except I think I actually want/need Moisturelush Cream. Anyone used these.. opinions etc? I have dry skin so want something super nourishing!

I love the microfine refinisher. I used my first tube up not long ago and am going to buy another one. It can be a little difficult to spread at first but you get used to it and because it's so fine it get right into all those dry places too.


Well-known member
I'm a big fan of microfine refinisher too.

I haven't gone through my tube yet, lasts for a while. The MUA at myer told me to only use it every 2 -3 days, not every day or else it will have the opposite effect!


Well-known member
^^ ha the opposite effect? What it'll make your skin all rough?

Has anyone tried moisturelush eye? I need a moisturising eye cream without all the depuffing, dewrinkling stuff.


Well-known member
Today was like Christmas! I got five packages!

-magnets someone had made printed with MAC promo images (Including CoC
-an empty 10-pan MUFE palette
-Blue Absinthe shadow
-Half jar of Magenta Madness
-Quarter jar of Pink Vivid (supposed to be half jar!
-An empty space where a half jar of Naked pigment was supposed to be (Can you tell that someone displeased me?)
-B-Babe lipstick (BNIB)
-Landscape Green pigment (BNIB)

B-Babe and Landscape green brought some surprise friends! Barely-touched testers of Chanel's Tea Rose irreelle blush and Spices eyeshadow quad.


Well-known member
I was soooo close to getting B-Babe and didn't! ACW have it for about $14 so I'm considering ordering it.

Where did you get the less than advertised pigments from?


Well-known member
^^ I didn't like B-Babe at first, but now I love it. Maybe I should keep Purple Rite, just in case I might love it later.

Nice haul, Sanayhs!! I wanna MUFE palette!


Well-known member
when I swatched B-Babe with BBR I instantly recoiled and went "oh my god NO - 80's flashback!!".

Hence I didnt pick it up

I'm sure you guys will rock it though!


Well-known member
I love the microfine refinisher! I went to MAC today and got a sample of Moisturelush and someone very nice gave me the entire container coz it was nearly empty
However according to the MUA I spoke to I should stick to Studio Moisture Cream (I brought my original sample along and it actually was the right stuff) coz the Moisturelush is also for older skin supposedly? She put some on my hands and it was great as a hand moisturiser! My problem is solved now though so I'm happy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xLongLashesx
^^ ha the opposite effect? What it'll make your skin all rough?

Has anyone tried moisturelush eye? I need a moisturising eye cream without all the depuffing, dewrinkling stuff.

^I use Moisturelush Eye Cream. I tried Kiehls Avocado Eye Cream and that's good too but I find that it's not enough in winter. Moisturelush sinks in quick and has a brightening effect over time apparently. Anyways I loves it and am on my 3rd jar.

Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
However according to the MUA I spoke to I should stick to Studio Moisture Cream (I brought my original sample along and it actually was the right stuff) coz the Moisturelush is also for older skin supposedly?

Moisturelush for "Older Skin"?? It's not like it's full of collagen, stem cells and placenta. I think it's for anyone who needs a moisture boost, especially during winter months. Scandalous Beauty raves about it in one of her vids and shes in her early 20's. I use it and as if I'm a mummy or something.



Well-known member
LOL I hate it when I go to a place and they tell me a cream is for more 'mature' skin.. If I want moisture, gimme the goddamn moisture!!

I'm going to give the moisturelush eye a try after I finish a dermalogica sample I've got.. Age smart- smells like raspberries! I want to eat it out of the tube!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Yeah, I know right! So many MUA's tell me different things I have no idea what to think!!

Why don't you try Livechat? I rang Aust MAC customer service, trying to find out if Refined Zone and Line filler are LE (my MUA said Refined Zone is). The girl on the phone had no idea and she called back to tell me that both items are perm. I just couldn't trust her, so I used Livechat and I was told Refined Zone is indeed LE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Refined Zone is indeed LE.

^^OMG Nooooo!!! For reals!?
I need to invest in more tubes ASAP.


Well-known member
^^ Yeah Bibi! I mentioned about it before! Go and get it before it disappears. My spare tube is sitting in my fridge at the moment lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
Yeah, I know right! So many MUA's tell me different things I have no idea what to think!!

I was told by a MUA at MAC that MoistureLush Cream was for "oily" skin???

I wanted a very good moisturiser as I have extremly dry skin that if it doesn't get that moisture my face will be red and peely in areas the next day!!! She suggested Studio Moisture Cream over Moisurelush Cream... I got a sample of Studio Moisture Cream and I don't think it's moisturizing enough

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