What MAC eyeshadows go well with Woodwinked?


Well-known member
Antiqued is pretty, I also like it with Twinks [my favourite brown ever]. Just yesterday I wore it with Star Violet, might sound like a weird combo but it actually looked awesome :]


Well-known member
i wear Woodwinked with Trax on the lid, Red Violet in the crease, Dazzlelight to highlight and on the inner corner and then Woodwinked on top right in the middle of the lid and crease. it's *awesome*. Rob, The World's Most Awesome MA from the LA PRO store taught me that one....

i wear it with a lot of other purples, too, like Ambi was saying. it looks good with Star Violet, Hepcat, Plum Dressing, etc...


Well-known member
bronze, carbon, shroom, mulch, etc...something neutral but not too colorful, since woodwinked is so damn pretty on its own


Well-known member
It looks great with Expensive Pink or All That Glitters.

It also looks great with Shimmermoss or Freshwater but those aren't exactly neutrals


Well-known member
Personally I like to wear it with Antiqued, Bronze and Black Tied. Woodwinked on lid, Bronze on outer > and crease. Antiqued blended in the crease, Black Tied blended on outer > to give it a smokey eye effect. It's soooo pretty!


Well-known member
woodwinked on the lid
soft brown crease
shroom to highlight/or vanilla
and either embark or sketch for the outer

this is the like MAC MA hg combo! haha


Well-known member
I wanted to give advice as well, but then I figured that I never use this e/s, because I dhaven't found a good combi yet... so thanks everyone for the tips