What MU look to go with this dress?


Well-known member
I'm throwing my man a surprise party
I think I want to wear this dress:


I love to go all out, but as you can see this dress is kinda BUSY, so I don't want to overdo it. I would really love to hear everyone's ideas.

For reference, I'm dark eyes/hair, NW25.


Well-known member
Red lipstick, black liquid eyeliner, lots of mascara. Don't overdo it, that dress has enough going on as is.


Well-known member
Another vote for red lipstick, liner and mascara. You can add a soft pearly nude eyeshadow to your eyes but very blended and definitely not an intense color.


Well-known member
Before I read everyone else's replies I was totally thinking red lips, liner, mascara and a nice flushy blush. Think Gwen! Great dress btw!