What stores should know your name by now?


Well-known member
i go into basically the same stores every week, i SWEAR they should know my name, if not, i'm pretty sure they remember my face. lol.

1. The MAC counter near me - i try to switch it up and go to other counters so they dont think im a retard
2. Forever 21
3. Mcdonalds

4. wal mart - we just go there ... just to go. LOL. just for the fact that its open 24 hours.


Well-known member
American Apparel knows my face (and well my friend works there so she knows my name)
On SA/MA knows my name at the MAC store and two other know my face.
This little sandwich place near my bf's old house knows us.
This Caribbean restaurent know's our voices when we order by phone lol.


Well-known member
-Pac Sun. Just because everyone I know either works there, has worked there, or hangs out there...and they don't buy anything. But I don't blame them, I'm not a fan of most of the stuff Pac Sun carries lol.
-The people at the Pilot gas station know my boyfriend and I. We always go there to eat Subway and buy snacks.
-Pretty much every department store in my mall with a makeup counter.


Well-known member
The only stores that knew my name was the MAC Store and MAC Counter at Nordstrom in Sacramento. I don't think this will happen now that I'm in San Diego now and won't go shopping as much as I did when I lived up North. I'm scared driving down here but I want to go to the mall so bad! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACpro__*
i go into basically the same stores every week, i SWEAR they should know my name, if not, i'm pretty sure they remember my face. lol.

1. The MAC counter near me - i try to switch it up and go to other counters so they dont think im a retard
2. Forever 21
3. Mcdonalds

4. wal mart - we just go there ... just to go. LOL. just for the fact that its open 24 hours.

OMG...my MAC counter...holy hell...they tell me I have more than their counter (which isn't true...but I swear they see me weekly...) one of my MAs introduced me to her mom. It was cute.


Well-known member
The MAC store in my area knows me pretty well...I've even exchanged cellphone numbers with a few of the MAs there and they text whenever something new comes up. The Dior counter in our local department store knows me pretty well too...it's near the entrance so whenever I get in I always try their testers lol..I'm sure they're bugged by now hehe. Also, the videogame store in our mall...aside from being a make-up addict, I'm also a videogame freak! So getting new games is usually part of my monthly budget as well.


Well-known member
haha MAC store, most of the MUA know my name already.. even how to spell my last name... that's CRAAAAZY because I shop soooo much , I even have 3 of them on myspace LOL.

Randy Rose

Well-known member
The MAC store in my hometown knows me, as does the Louis Vuitton and Neiman Marcus. When I was younger (I don't shop there anymore) they used to know me at Express Men . . . and I used to have a Jean Paul Gaultier / Issey Miyake fragrance lady with whom I was VERY tight, but unfortunately she left the company and is now in another line of business.
(Oh well, I stopped wearing JPG and I always felt bad, so maybe it all worked out for the best!)


Well-known member
The MAC counter in Nordstroms. I go there all the time. Jamba Juice knows what kind of boost I want in my drink.