what takes tomato (catsup) stains out of cotton?


Well-known member
sweet dh got a sandwich for me & it was a messy one. tia!



Well-known member
I've always had good luck with Spray and Wash, but I try to treat the spot right away. My son is always getting catsup on himself and his clothes. I'm not sure about any organic methods though. The other thing that has worked for me is to take an old toothbrush and apply a bit of dish soap and just scrub the spot. Then wash the shirt right away before the stain can set.


Well-known member
I love using Baking Soda in the laundry, approx. one cup per load. You can add it to colors, brights, and whites. It doesn't fade colors, it simply takes out stains....and let me tell you my 4 year old is a genuis at staining everything

If you need a little bit more powerful, simply add the baking soda and bleach.....wow are those whites bright
And, best of all it's super cheap! A 5lb. box costs like $3 and you can find it in the baking isle in the grocery store. HTH


Well-known member
There is this stuff called Folex - it comes in a white bottle with purple writing, they sell it at Walmart maybe even Target.. ( dunno about that one ) but im here to tell ya it got RED WINE out of a WHITE SHIRT!!! My best friend said it will come out.. of course I was yeah right.. sure enough.. it did!


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