What the hell happened?? (sorry, kind of long.)


New member
hey luvsic

its very natural to wonder why he may be acting this way, however no matter how much you might want to analyse why this happened the truth is you may never get the answers your looking for. by thinking about why he acted the way he did, is going to drive you crazy.

if this guy is so immature that he bases his opinions on rumours rather than taking time to get to know you, frankly he is not worth your time - and life is too short!

i know how your feeling, its confusing and frustrating but the best thing to do is to enjoy your life, do things that make you laugh, do things that make you feel confident. next time you see him, smile, say 'hello' and move on and even if your hurting inside tell yourself that your worth more and you'll get the right man when your ready to recieve him.

The best revenge is to be happy.

Takecare now x


Well-known member
Sounds like just another one of those silly boys we've all had our run ins with that will soon be nothing more than a tiny blip in your radar. I've had my fair share of immature, flaky guys. Believe me, you'll forget about him sooner than you think. I know that feeling of wanting to make him regret his stupidity, but sometimes there's nothing more you can do than just brush ya shoulders off and move on to bigger and better things. Sometimes that alone can remind them of how absolutely ridiculous they acted. I'm sure even if he doesn't admit it, eventually he'll realize he was out of line and he'll surely smack himself for it.


Well-known member
I'd say he's using an excuse he can to have his cake and eat it to. He probably does like you... or did like you... along with a whole bunch of other girls. So guys tend to do things like act flaky or distant as a "subtle" way of saying "meh.... i think i wanna move on."


Well-known member
Meh, he sounds like he doesn't know what he wants, just forget about him and don't wait around for him, just try to get past the whole thing, move on and meet new people. Sounds like the whole situation is not enough to spend any more time on. Tell that other girl that you've been talking to that you've moved on and you don't need to hear any more details about this guy.


Well-known member
I definitely agree that he's wasting your time and energy. Regardless of his reasons he's definitely not sending a message that he's ready for whatever you've got- that's not someone I would want to be with, personally. I'm not saying you should write him out forever, maybe if he gets his act together and comes to realize he wants something that you are prepared to offer... well then I might reconsider. You guys seem young, it's a time of confusion and figuring stuff out.

In the mean time I agree, you should move on, meet new people, and stop getting intel on this guy it's only more confusing for you.

P.S. I wanted to add that I realized I didn't answer the question and I think because the truth is no one will ever know besides this guy, and to be honest even he may not know what happened. We would all be guessing and there are too many possibilities.


Well-known member
this sounds like a typical guy to me, seriously. Thats it. Just a friggin TYPICAL piece of shit man.

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