What the @#$% is GOING ON?!?


Well-known member
Ok with me it was super quick but I got REALLY lucky. I've heard it taking people up to 4 or 5 months. I'm not even a manager and I still feel like I'm not at the counter enough to do everything I have to do. Maybe stop by again this week. If you just ignore it then they might just ignore you, that happened to me the first time I interviewed with MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Ok with me it was super quick but I got REALLY lucky. I've heard it taking people up to 4 or 5 months. I'm not even a manager and I still feel like I'm not at the counter enough to do everything I have to do. Maybe stop by again this week. If you just ignore it then they might just ignore you, that happened to me the first time I interviewed with MAC.

Well here is the problem. After I posted this my husband and I went to the mall to buy presents. (He's a triplet and yesterday was his birthday!) So we also needed a present for his sister. I went to get her some MAC and the counter manager was there and it was like he ignored me. I know they were busy but I swear we made eye contact, and I tried to just wave and I guess he didn't see me? So I bought her a paint pot and an eye shadow and just left and was depressed all night even though it was awesome because his parents took all of us out to dinner. Oh well I am still bummed.
I do not want to be the creepy one that starts stalking the counter manager because I want the job so bad.


Well-known member
It's almost like I just want them to just tell me I didn't get the job so I can quit suffering in agonizing pain!!

I guess it's a good thing I've made it this far?


Well-known member
Sometimes it can take a long time. When I had my demo interview for a freelance position I found out from the manager at the locaiton where I interviewed that I got it two weeks after that fact. But, it took the MRO another three weeks to get ahold of me and tell me. Then it took about a month to get my paperwork processed!
When I got my perm position they called me and job offered me about three hours after my demo. It all really varies.
I think that maybe he didn't totally ackowledge you because to a degree he might feel lame/unprofessional about not getting ahold of you yet.
I know you don't want to bug him but I would try to stop by or call him and just be honest. Tell him that you don't want to bug him but that you want the position so badly and that you wanted to let them know if they have any other questions for you or if they would still like to arrange the phone interview tha tyou would love to assist them in any way.
Hang in there girl!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Sometimes it can take a long time. When I had my demo interview for a freelance position I found out from the manager at the locaiton where I interviewed that I got it two weeks after that fact. But, it took the MRO another three weeks to get ahold of me and tell me. Then it took about a month to get my paperwork processed!
When I got my perm position they called me and job offered me about three hours after my demo. It all really varies.
I think that maybe he didn't totally ackowledge you because to a degree he might feel lame/unprofessional about not getting ahold of you yet.
I know you don't want to bug him but I would try to stop by or call him and just be honest. Tell him that you don't want to bug him but that you want the position so badly and that you wanted to let them know if they have any other questions for you or if they would still like to arrange the phone interview tha tyou would love to assist them in any way.
Hang in there girl!!!!!

I love you.

I knew you guys would make me feel better!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FacesbyNiki
I love Bernadette!!

Yaaa...she's awesome! What a positive person


Reading all this makes me feel less bad about my own situation, which is quite similar. I applied at the end of May and had to call back several times (I soon lost all worries of being a pest because, like VioletB I just wanted to know!) Well, I had a verbal interview that went pretty well, then when I called back a couple weeks later they said they were going with someone with more makeup experience for the permanent part-time position (not a surprise to me), but they were considering me for freelance. That was ok. More weeks went by, so I called last week and they told me a PT position had just opened and the manager wondered if I could meet with his boss this week. If I don't hear from him tomorrow (he was flying out of town for a few days) I'll just call them again. Egads, I've lost all shame!

It's encouraging that his boss wants to interview me, as is hearing that other girls have such long waits. Hopefully we'll both get good news, eh VioletB?