What to do about my round face besides contouring and layering hair?


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Originally Posted by jackie100
for example, this is a Hong Kong model Angela Baby and her face is more oval looking etc.. I just like the shape of her face

I am aware she had some plastic surgery done but I don't see anything wrong with that, I might consider that as well. Not in the immediate future but perhaps as a possibility. I like the fact that her cheeks are not big. I don't think it has anything to do with weight since I don't weigh a lot, some people just have "rounder" cheeks because of the way their face is shaped/built. My dad is small like me too, he doesn't weigh a lot either, he's actually rather skinny and he STILL has a round shaped face. It's the bones and bone structure, it's not shaped like a models. I just wish I didn't inherit that trait, I don't like anything about it whatsoever.

I also like her chin, it blends smoothly into her jawline and it looks more fluid and pleasant to the eye. My chin is a bit more pointy/strange so I don't have that perfect model shaped face...

Contouring does help a bit but it's not perfect.

But dude... her face is hella photoshopped. i bet her face really isn't as perfect as you're describing it to be.

my face is pretty round too. I just wear my hair very wild and crazy to mask and distract from my circle head.
but round faces are cute and make you look young.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
But dude... her face is hella photoshopped. i bet her face really isn't as perfect as you're describing it to be.

my face is pretty round too. I just wear my hair very wild and crazy to mask and distract from my circle head.
but round faces are cute and make you look young.

No, I looked at a lot of her pics for hours and hours, like hundreds on her blog and online angelababy's Xanga Site and her face is pretty oval. There are tons of candid shots on her blog and even those self portraits where she stands in front of the mirror and snaps pics of herself or or takes random shots of herself and it still looks oval in general.

I don't really want to look cute, I want to look "model-like" or have those "model features"... I know not ALL models have oval faces, some have round ones, some have heart-shaped ones, I just want to look like the ones who have oval faces...

It's true round faces do make you look cute and young but I don't really want to look cute, I'd rather look beautiful or sexy. I don't really like looking cute at all.

They say that the older you get the more you "grow into your own skin" and "accept yourself the way you are" but I don't really find this to be true for myself. haha I find the older I get the more money I have at my disposal and therefore access to more options to alter my appearance whether that be through surgery or other means.

I did research and it seems like a lot of the Hong Kong stars get work done... It IS possible to change the structure of your face through re-shaping or adding implants the chin etc... I think that could help give it a more balanced look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
I completely agree with Dreamergirl and Temptasia. Btw Temptasia is a gorgeous asian beauty with a round style face and she rocks it!!

I'm asian and I have a round face as well. My chin isn't so round but I have cheeks when I smile. But honestly the most important thing is to love yourself just the way you are. And I agree with Temptasia, the most attractive people I know are people who are confident and comfortable in their own skin.

If you are really not so happy with it then I would like to suggest getting in shape. Not losing weight but toning up. When I worked out a lot and was in great shape I weighted about 125lbs at 5'4.5. I wasn't terribly thin but my face definitely got smaller, just from being healthier and having more muscle mass.

Sorry to bump my own thread, it's just that for some reason I was thinking about "face shape" right now (looking at pics of celebs on-line whose faces I like etc) and it reminded me of this topic that I remember starting awhile ago...

So I re-read what I wrote and the responses I received... And the thing about toning up which you mentioned ; even if I did tone up, it wouldn't change my face dramatically. I think the thing I don't like also is my jawline, it's too strong, and it's the features too... No matter how much I tone up I will never have the bone structure of Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox... I am already very slim but I like their face structure.. the cheekbones...

When I was at my fittest, extremely toned, defined ab muscles, NO BODY FAT AT ALL etc, My face was STILL not model-structured like Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox. I am talking about those chiseled modelesque facial features, cheekbones, etc... My face was just build differently; more round, not as photogenic, not as captivating, not as fetching, not as delicate, not as perfect.
I am a lot slimmer and fitter than the average person and it's not that, it's my face. I have seen people who are overweight but they have more oval faces, you could tell that if they lost weight they would a beautiful "hollywood" face. With me, even being in shape etc, my face is more round. I think it's my BONES, my bone structure, my jaw, my nose, lack of defined cheekbones, etc

It's just my features, they aren't as sharp or as chiseled as theirs... And it's not photoshop either... I always look at candid papparazi shots of Megan Fox, Kim etc and they have the bone structure and the features... And those features pop more with makeup and photoshop, but they have the features to begin with.... My features aren't as sharp and as photogenic as theirs. It has nothing to do with weight, it's the way that I was built. I look like my dad (unfortunately) and I don't really like his face either, it's too round and not "oval looking" even though he is very much in shape. I don't want to look like him at all!!!!!

There are things I know I could do like facial restructuring, I know some plastic surgery can change the face of your shape... Celebrities do this all the time such as carving out cheekbones, chin implants etc...

These are people whose face structure (shape, features, bone structure) I like :

Kim Kardashian
Megan Fox
Angelina Jolie
Cheryl Cole
Sienna Miller
Paris Hilton
Jessica Alba


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
If you really are unhappy with your face shape, surgery is always an option. To be frankly honest however, I have been to many larger Asian cities, and have seen my fair share of surgery on Asians to give them a more "western" appearance. You are usually just trading scars for whatever feature you didn't like, and rarely is the look trouble free and natural looking.

I say embrace your round face and wear makeup that enhances your features. Whatever you decide good luck!

I think most of the Hong Kong/asian stars have had surgery but it looks good to me, I'm talking about girls like Angela Baby. I've seen her before and afters and I think she looks 100x better afterwards, almost like a different person, but to me that's a good thing. She doesn't look unnatural to me. I think she's probably one example of the best surgery ever, but it seems like her whole face looks different now...

Also, to give you an idea of what my face shape is like, people have told me my face shape is like Jewel's (the singer) singer jewel - Google Image Search
except I'm Asian. You can see how she has a round face... I like the oval "classically beautiful model" type faces like Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, Megan Fox etc


Well-known member
I think you should do a free consult with a plastic surgeon to see what realistic expectations you should have. It seems like you already do all the little eye-tricks and what you really want to know is how to actually change the round shape- which without surgery I know of no other way to do it.

But, I do want to say - Count your blessings! I would love to have the metabolism to stay at my healthy weight without worrying about what I ate or exercise... I would take that with a round face any day!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I think you should do a free consult with a plastic surgeon to see what realistic expectations you should have. It seems like you already do all the little eye-tricks and what you really want to know is how to actually change the round shape- which without surgery I know of no other way to do it.

But, I do want to say - Count your blessings! I would love to have the metabolism to stay at my healthy weight without worrying about what I ate or exercise... I would take that with a round face any day!

Thank you for your advice. I think I might do that and have some consultations just to see what's out there. That doesn't mean I will actually have the surgery, but just to see what the options are.

About the metabolism thing, there are a lot of women who weigh more than me but have more oval faces and incredible bone structure. Kim Kardashian for example, I think she must weigh a lot more than I do and she is way curvier (I have none) but her face is perfect, I love the shape, the bone structure, the CHEEKBONES (I think this is what defines a face the most), the TALL nose, everything put together just looks so good.

And I don't want just any random oval face (because let's admit it, not everyone with an oval face looks good) but one that looks good with all the features and everything combined; it all has to work together, blend with the features etc. But when everything is right with the correct proportions it's beautiful and stunning (like Kim Kardashian for example)


Well-known member
Thanks for the botox link. I never even knew that was possible with botox. I like the results best in the #1 photo on top. The rest of the results weren't as impressive but #1 was very drastic!

I found this part of the article most interesting :

"Enlargement of the muscle may be genetic (in Southeast Asia, where Botox jaw reduction was first done in 1994, 20 percent of the population is affected by masseter hypertrophy, which Liew has dubbed “square-face syndrome”)... "

Ok, I'm going to post pics of my face so everyone can see what I am talking about. It's not baby fat btw, I'm already 31 so I'm afraid with time my face will get even bigger...

I also have a problem with a pointy chin but that is more noticeable when I smile, hence why I hardly ever do.

These pics were all self-taken so they look distorted. I always look weird when I take my own pics.

I have posted pics before on here and it didn't go so well because I made a topic asking how old I looked and I guess I got upset at realizing how mature and old I appear after reading the responses. I have accepted that I look mature and in my 30's now and that I don't look young anymore. So now I have to accept that not only do I look old but my face is also round and most likely going to get rounder as I age. (Thanks dad for the bad genes, not to sound bitter or anything).

My face is not "model oval" like Kim Kardashian and I have no cheekbones to speak of... And my cheeks are ROUND. I like the really "sucked in looking model faces" with defined features.


I want that oval face that actresses/models have, that "ideal" mainstream beauty look.


Here you can see how my cheeks are even rounder and puffier when I smile. That's why I hardly ever smile, it bunches my cheeks up and makes my face appear even more round. I smiled though as a demonstration so that you can see what I mean.


I can never wear my hair back or tied back. I always have to have my hair covering my face because it just looks better that way. People with perfect faces like Jlo or Kim K look incredible when they tie their hair back because of their bone structure.

I deleted my message in the post above this one because I was hesitant about posting my pic. I posted it and then I changed my mind and deleted them. But I guess I'm bipolar because I decided to re-post them again. Just so everyone can see what I mean by my "round face".


Well-known member
What about some highlights? I've read that when you are wanting to minimize your face that they help. Well from what I can tell with the pictures being blacked out & all - you're beautiful. Can't hide that! Idk why you're trying to hide as I don't think there is anything wrong with your face shape =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SerenityRaine
What about some highlights? I've read that when you are wanting to minimize your face that they help. Well from what I can tell with the pictures being blacked out & all - you're beautiful. Can't hide that! Idk why you're trying to hide as I don't think there is anything wrong with your face shape =)

Thanks, I will look into that. I am not sure though what color highlights I should get though since my base is black. My hair is naturally brown/black but I dye it black sometimes to make it blacker. I am not sure what type of highlights would look natural but still glamorous and natural etc. I have had highlights before where the stylist bleached some strands and they turned out way lighter than my base and it turned out horrible. I will research more into it though. Thank you for the suggestion.

I blacked my eyes out for anonymity reasons, in case anyone in real life recognized me.

As for my face shape, I want more pronounced cheekbones and smaller cheeks, my cheeks are HUGE and my face is round. Even when I suck my cheeks in it doesn't look right because I don't have that "model-like bone structure".

I want my face to look oval, like Kim Kardashian or Megan Fox. To me, they have the perfect shape face. I don't know how I can mold my face "more" into that direction although I obviously realize that I can never look exactly like them.

I also wouldn't mind having more young, girly "delicate" features.

Ode to Joy

Well-known member
Sorry to say that, but I think you have a gorgeous bone structure and you are stunning.
Please don't try to be like someone else when you are that gorgeous yourself
. The looks Megan and Kim are sporting are achieved with lots of foundation, bronzer, contouring & highlighting, they don't have oval faces themselves.






Well-known member
Ode to Joy,

Thanks for the pics.. hmmmm... I think both of their face before all the contouring is still slimmer than mine, they have smaller cheeks plus more prominent cheekbones. I do see how the contouring made a drastic improvement though. I think neither of them have a round face before the contouring though, both had oval faces but they didn't look as perfect in the other shots.

I have seen candid papparazi pics of both Megan and Kim K in huge resolutions where you can see every single pore etc and they still look flawless even with minimal makeup.

I did contour my cheeks actually but the makeup looks washed out on camera for some reason.

A lot of people in real life have told me that I have a rounder face in person. On other forums, where I have posted my pic anonymously and asked people what they thought of me (out of curiosity) , some people have mentioned the "round face" thing right away when I haven't even prompted them. Plus my best friend who is brutally honest has told me my face isn't that oval.

I am trying to get healthier and work out more as suggested on page 1 so hopefully that will help. I am not as toned and fit as possible but I'm still considered petite (size 0), however my cheeks are still puffy for some reason.


Well-known member
Honestly, looking at those pics, even with the eyes shaded out, I really think you look so beautiful and have nothing to worry about. Honestly, I am not just saying that, you really look good. You have cheekbones when you smile too. I'm not saying you can't explore your options if you really want to, but i genuinely think you look great and i am sure many women envy u as well.


Well-known member
Sweetie, honestly...you're absolutely stunning, even with your eyes blackened out so we can't see them. We're all our own worst critics, and it seems that you see and judge yourself much more harshly than you deserve. Ok, you have a round face shape, and I realize that you don't want your face to be round, you want it to be oval (personally, I think Kim Ks face in the pics up there looks WAY too long...like a horse.), but you have a gorgeous face, and personally, I would LOVE to have that shape. When you were describing yourself, before you posted pictures, I was expecting a "moon" face...when I saw your pics, I was shocked that you spoke so badly of yourself.
As for idea mainstream beauty...are you going to tell me that Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kate Bosworth, and Cameron Diaz (and there are more, believe me!) aren't beautiful? ...and don't forget about Aishwarya Rai...she doesn't have that "perfect" oval...but she's considered by many to be one of (if not THE) most beautiful woman in the world. I know I'm not going to change your mind about how you want your face to look, after all, it is YOUR face...but I hope that maybe if you realize how many gorgeous women out there have round faces, and that oval doesn't constitute perfection, you might feel a little better about yourself.
You mentioned you think the round face doesn't look good on you, but again, I think you're judging yourself too hard...if you're bound and determined to achieve what you consider perfection to be, and you think surgery is the way to do it, then more power to you...go and do what's going to make you feel good about yourself. Because at the end of the day, anything we say to you here isn't going to matter...it's whether or not you love yourself, and are happy with yourself that's important.
Whatever it is that you do, be it surgery or eye tricks, or even therapy (don't laugh...it's a valid option...), I really hope it makes you happy.
You deserve it.


Well-known member
ForgetRegret;1676698 As for idea mainstream beauty...are you going to tell me that Catherine Zeta-Jones said:
Of course I think all of those women are beautiful. I think it's the fact that their features work well with their shaped faces and bone structure, everything is in just perfect proportion in order to make them beautiful. I feel like everything isn't really in proportion with me. I think my face is more roundish-squarish (perhaps something to do with my jawline) and it makes me look more masculine.

It's not just about the oval face, it's about how everything looks put together.

I always thought Kate Bosworth was really pretty but she has really good features though; a tall thin delicate nose, pretty eyes and she looks good with her hair tied back. Her features look delicate and feminine and their prominent; she has features that are photogenic.

Catherine Zeta Jones is gorgeous too but she's a femme-fatale. She just exudes sex appeal and her features are all stunning.

Same as with Aishwarya Rai.

I would gladly trade my face for any of theirs. I don't care if the face isn't perfectly 100% oval (I think a lot of mainstream beauty has to do with proper proportions and symmetry), as long as it looks good which all the celebs do. I just don't like the way my face shape and features look good together and are as well proportioned compared to theirs.

I don't really know what to pin it on since I'm not a surgeon or professional. My nose isn't as tall, my chin is pointy when I smile...

It's everything put together, all my features put together don't look particularly "Striking" or "Stunning" to me. I'm not hideous or ugly but I'm not as beautiful as I would like to be. It may sound selfish but it's just how I feel.


Well-known member
I have a wider forehead and pointy chin, so my face always appears wider than I would like in photographs. I think sometimes wideness or roundness can be unique and give character, but just my opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jackie100
It's everything put together, all my features put together don't look particularly "Striking" or "Stunning" to me. I'm not hideous or ugly but I'm not as beautiful as I would like to be. It may sound selfish but it's just how I feel.

Well, I know you probably won't believe me, but I really do think you're quite stunning. ...and there's nothing selfish about how you feel, hun...those are your feelings, and no one can tell you that they're right or wrong.