What to wear on my face and myself....


Well-known member
hey guys, I come to all of you cause this is the best thing on the net i have ever seen! I'm applying for MAC this thursday, along with the launch of reble rock, and i had a few questions to aks you guys...im so nervous!

my coworker said i should get thier 15 mins before opening time to give them my resume and app....should i do this?

i've heard in past posts that they see how well your makup is applied with this being the case should i do dramatic? i was thinking star violet and carbon for starters....

clostheswise, it was suggested to me by a mac MA that i wear all black when i turn in my app and res, i bught some cool black pants (not jeans), wand was going to wear a black tank and black flip flops....acceptable or no?

hair should be down or up?, i bought some cool chandlier black earings to wear but i might not...depends on what you guys think

will it look tacky if i turn in my app and res then go shopping for reblerock? i mso excited about this collection......

thanks guys!!!


New member
honestly when you turn in your resume it doesnt even really matter.. and def dont go before opening time


Well-known member
i second the idea of not going early...unless you have an appointment, how would you even get in?

i don't think it matters too much how you look if you're just turning in an application and whatnot, just make sure you're clean and put-together looking.
good luck!


Well-known member
be unique and have flair! Since if you get it, you're wearing black like everyone else so have "flair". A lot of the MAs I see seem very "flair", so I think if you do that, they will remember you.


Well-known member
Maybe go 15 min after opening? Then it won't be crowded, and you can make a better impression. I'd definitely put extra effort into your makeup, because the MA's I know tell me that they write comments on the applications on their impressions of you.

As for your hair, go with what is most natural for you and what looks good. That doesn't matter as much as your makeup and personality.
Don't be a snob! My friend told me that one applicant was a total witch to her, and demanded to see the manager instead of turning the application in to her. The manager was standing right behind the snotty girl, and told her she didn't like it when people spoke to her employees that way. Way to make a good impression huh? LOL