Here is my list of things I object to ever seeing, but still remain forced to observe:
1. Young preteens dressed like pros from the corner. Do these kids not have parents? Do people not understand the dangers of letting your 13 year old out in a skirt that shows their panties and a shirt that gives micro a new meaning?
2. Anyone in spandex. I'm sorry, not allowed. I don't care how big or how little you are. Spandex is not acceptable. Especially for guys. I'm talking to you, Mr. Tourist/Wannabe Cyclist.
3. Workout clothes anywhere other than at home or an exercise facility. I don't want to hear how comfortable they are or how they breath. A sports bra is NOT a top.
4. Crocs... just stop it. You are garden shoes, stay in the garden.
5. Head to toe one color; hot pink pink top, hot pink pants, hot pink shoes, with a hot pink purse. I get it. You like pink. I'm glad you can't figure out color coordination.
6. Anything written across your rear end. So, you want people to look at your butt and then you are that girl that gets all mad when men are staring at you. This is why you have a hard time finding a good guy.
7. Locals who actually wear shirts with the city you are in printed on them. I personally don't wear shirts with ANY location printed on them, but the ones who live in Orlando and wear Orlando shirts, you drive me crazy. It's bad enough tourists are wearing them while they are here (as if anyone forgets where they are and need to be reminded), but at least they have an excuse; they are on vacation.