What was the best Contest Prize u've ever won?


Well-known member
Mine was a Chanel bag from a Cosmo mag about 5 years ago!
I didn't even know I won either, it just showed up in a box one day! Then I ended up finding my name on their site's winners list. I entered and 4got about it. I was so happy! lol I haven't been lucky since but I keep trying at contests online whenever I see one.

What was yours?


Well-known member
The best things I've ever won were two crappy fish statues from my brother's soccer club raffle. That seems so lame now, but back then it was AWESOME for me to have finally won something


Well-known member
I don't think I've ever won anything remotely cool. I don't enter a lot of contests tho, lol!


Well-known member
I won basketball tickets once. I hate sports.. but I went anyway.

And I won a perfume from a magazine a few years ago. I was happy I won something, but I have so much of the stuff I was like ugh ANOTHER one?!?! lol.

My friend and I enter contests all the time. Esp ones that have a trip involved. I'm thinking something's gotta give!


Well-known member
Ooooh I won a PS3 last year from a radio station by texting!! They said text this word to some # so I did it like 5 times and I won! Honestly I didn't know what the PS3 was...I thought it was a PSP lol so I was like ehh, but when I told my sisters they were like what!!! At that time they were all sold out and going on ebay for $700-800 so I was going to sell it, but 2 days later my brother-in-law got hurt in Iraq so I decided to keep it and give it to him since he wasn't going to be able to walk for a while. When I told him he was really happy, he appreciated it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
^^ That's nice that you gave it to your brother-in-law - hope he's recovered from his injuries.

Thank you! He lost his legs, among other injuries, but he's doing great! He was actually walking on his own again (sometimes with a cane) within 5 months, he's really awesome and inspirational.
He was really happy to have something to kind of keep him distracted while he got better.


Well-known member
I once got a cheque for £10 in the post with a note saying I'd won a competition. I hadn't entered any
It cleared too.

I don't think I've ever won anything else


Well-known member
Last winter I won here on Specktra 2 lipsticks and 1 lipgloss from MAC, on the giveaway Janice did.

I was very happy because right now I don't have lots of money and buying MAC is the last thing I can offer myself.

Last autumn I was entering online contests here and there, and I won 4 tickets to see 2 movies.

When I was younger I won VIP tickets to see N Sync backstage, and some VERY FAR from the stage Backstreet Boys tickets. Back then, I was sooooo happy hahahah


Well-known member
Last thing I won was a MP3 player...that broke the second time I used it!


Well-known member
Coolest prize I've ever won was MAC through the December giveaways on Specktra. Mostly because I haven't really won anything before, and it was makeup! So awesome.


Well-known member
I don't know if it's the best thing I've won, but it's the most memorable. When I was in third grade I wrote a report on what the Bill of Rights meant to me, and it was chosen as the first place paper in a competition from 3rd to 6th grades. I won a fifty dollar check and got to read my paper out loud at an event.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
Mine was a Chanel bag from a Cosmo mag about 5 years ago!
I didn't even know I won either, it just showed up in a box one day! Then I ended up finding my name on their site's winners list. I entered and 4got about it. I was so happy! lol I haven't been lucky since but I keep trying at contests online whenever I see one.

What was yours?

I think that your prize takes the cake! I would be over the moon if a CHANEL bag showed up in the mail!


Well-known member
When I was in Kindergarten, my entire class entered a coloring contest from Orange Julius, which I think is similar to Booster Juice? I'm not really sure how to describe it... Anyway, I won. My prize?

A gigantic, blow up banana. It's about five feet long and has the Dole logo on it. I love that thing so much. Winning that is pretty much the highlight of my entire time in school.

SuSana, that was an incredibly kind gesture. I'm glad to hear your brother is doing well!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I won bath towels at a bingo. :-O

I dunno why this made me lol so much ..got to love bingo !

I won a 100 dollar gift certifacte to best buy when I entered a contest on AOL. It was AOL office makeover or something ..the grand prize was like a 10000 room makeover or something ..but i got one of like 20 alternate prizes..I had totally forgotten about it then in the mail I got the gift card and I was so happy...I took it to go buy video games for my hubby as he was a few days shy of returning from a 6 month tour in Iraq.


Well-known member
Along with glowing stickers and an extra bottle of coke (found under the lid of the bottle) i once won the movie tickets for "miss congeniality". I was 13 so i was damn happy, i called on the radio and had to gues the director of some other movie, i had 3 to chose from. chose from my 2ns try but the lady still gave me the tickets! So i invited Mom to the movies. Thats all, i wish i won something valuable, but well, that tickets made me sooo happy as i was 13, so thats a great memory.

SuSana, im so sorry it happened to him!
But you're such a beautiful person for giving him that present.