What was your favourite toy as a child?


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Hey guys,

After chatting about old toys and cartoons in a mac thread i thought we could all post here! I'd love to know what your favourite toys were as a child?

I personally loved Barbie! I had so many dolls, houses, jeeps and other accesories for her! Plus i remember being obsessed with my mum's boom box thing and playing cassettes on it for Barbie to have a concert!
tragically the music i liked to play was a uk band called wet wet wet
try typing that into google! hee hee!

I also loved wrestling (yup girly girl by day and bloke by night!) so i had a wwf ring and various wrestling figures - my favourite being razor ramone and sean micheals!

And of course like every young girl i had an insane amount of soft toys! usually of the disney variety which i still have today!


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My favorites were: that Chrissy doll (she had red hair) and you could pull her hair to make it long and press something to make it short again. And she was a pretty big doll from what I remember. I had two of them - the second one I got when I used the first one out! I also loved my make-up head doll (what a surprise!) and I loved my Malibu barbie (w/ the tan lines). My Mom told me I lost my first one at school and made such a fuss she had to buy me another one.

I wish I had kept it all.


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so many toys! I loved My Little Pony, Barbie, Tiny Tears, played with Sindy, buckaroo, kerplunk, little hand held nintendo games started to appear when i was a kid (first ever glimpse of Donkey Kong), garbage pail kids, cabbage patch dolls - my favourite tho was my teddy and I moved house 3 weeks ago and had to clear out the loft and found him again and he is my pride and joy still - how sad am I??


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Barbie. All kinds! I was a Barbie Fanatic!! I was a total loner as a kid. I was so shy i would sit on the curb and watch kids play, and when they would talk to me i'd run away. Thats how hard it was for me to make friends. So i would play with my barbies or Paper Dolls!

When i was a bit older i got a little teddy bear named Pookie. I loved him and made a house for him, and brought him everywhere. I still have him. He was a mailman and i even made him a sack to carry his mail. And he even had a pookie bear song and dance


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Barbie was my favorite!! Me and my twin sister were so obsessed with Barbie and how much we wanted our parents to buy more Barbie dolls, clothes, and all that stuff. Those were the awesome days!


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barbies were my favvv, i had a little village set up in our storage room. Also my little pony toys and the tiny polly pocket toys. aww memories.


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i had tons of barbies..but im sure someone mightve picked up i was a huge JEM and the Holigrams fan
and also, if you havent noticed yet..my sign on name is 'sinergy' which i use most places online, lol but its for the character Synergy, Jerricha's holygraphic computer. http://elcultodejem.iespana.es/archi.../O-SYNERGY.jpg

I was also a big She Ra fan and had tons of those dolls too. I still have some, but lost most of them since we moved around alot as kids. =(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
I also loved wrestling (yup girly girl by day and bloke by night!) so i had a wwf ring and various wrestling figures - my favourite being razor ramone and sean micheals!

I had one too! LMAO this just brought so many memories back! My late grandmother was SO SO SO SO into wrestling! Can you imagine a little spanish lady who didn't understand what they were saying loving wrestling lol! I remember wanting a wrestling ring so bad and my mom not wanting to buy it for me but one day we were shopping in NYC and some one was selling one on the street brand new with like 20 wrestling action figures! It was destined to be mine. I have to ask my mom what happened to it.

But i did play with barbies. I love cutting their hair LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x0besoz
I had one too! LMAO this just brought so many memories back! My late grandmother was SO SO SO SO into wrestling! Can you imagine a little spanish lady who didn't understand what they were saying loving wrestling lol! I remember wanting a wrestling ring so bad and my mom not wanting to buy it for me but one day we were shopping in NYC and some one was selling one on the street brand new with like 20 wrestling action figures! It was destined to be mine. I have to ask my mom what happened to it.

But i did play with barbies. I love cutting their hair LOL

yeah!! we're so cool for having wrestlers!
hee hee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
Barbie. All kinds! I was a Barbie Fanatic!! I was a total loner as a kid. I was so shy i would sit on the curb and watch kids play, and when they would talk to me i'd run away. Thats how hard it was for me to make friends. So i would play with my barbies or Paper Dolls!

When i was a bit older i got a little teddy bear named Pookie. I loved him and made a house for him, and brought him everywhere. I still have him. He was a mailman and i even made him a sack to carry his mail. And he even had a pookie bear song and dance

AW! What a cute story - I was shy too, but boy, you were really shy!


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i loved my little pony the most, and then my barbies. i liked the way barbie could be whoever you wanted her to be, doctor, gymnast, vet, teacher etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
I also loved wrestling (yup girly girl by day and bloke by night!) so i had a wwf ring and various wrestling figures - my favourite being razor ramone and sean micheals!

Oh man, I was the same! I have my brothers to blame for that though! I liked all the ones people loved to hate - Kurt Angle & Edge and Christian! haha. Aw, brings back memories!

I also loved Beanie Babies. I got pretty obsessive about those back in the day!


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i grew up in asia, so my favorite childhood toys are Astro boy and Doraemon. i kept asking my parents if i could have a robot cat with a "a fourth-dimensional pocket" like Doraemon


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I really loved anything Sesame Street (as a young child).

I lovveeed Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles and had several turtle toys. I remember buying TMNT underwear as a kid but they didn't make them for girls so I had to wear boys
I loved my boy tmnt undies!

Loved games. Guess Who. Candy Land. I used to play this one game a lot with this guy whose arm would stretch upwards as he held a tray of food and you had to stack the food without knocking the whole thing over. And there was another game with a crocodile where you took his teeth out. Loved both of those.


I want to say I loved playing with my easy bake oven but I think I made two things with it and called it quits--this was the earliest sign that I would grow up hating to cook