What You would love to tell the ex-wife but can't ....


Well-known member
like .. get a freaking job ... I earn money the old fashion way, I work

you're tired of packing and unpacking luggage from your vacations? you poor thing

crying poverty? isn't that a brand new car you just got?

ok I vented ... next one up


Well-known member
OMG..don't even get me started on that one. But here goes!

You need to get a better paying job. You've been a legal secretary for Legal Aid for over 18 years, getting paid $10/hour so that you can have access to free attorneys every time you think you need to drag DH into court. if you got paid better, then maybe you wouldn't need to do that!

Spend the child support money on the kids, not on yourself or the rent or whatever other crap you spend it on. You get enough from your two ex-husbands to take care of their needs. So don't call us everytime your daughter (who is 17 and has her own job) needs some shoes or whatnot. I take her shopping myself.

You should take a good long look in the mirror and see what a criminal you are. Forging your exhusband's (not my DH - her 2nd husband) signature on a mortgage refinance is a crime. So is stealing your SIL's (my husband's sister) American Express card and charging it up to $8,000. They didn't prosecute you because "she's the girls' mom." I would have thrown the book on you..I could care less whose mom you are.

And finally: 5 more months of child support and then you're on your own! I can't wait to dance around the fire as we burn the coupon books! And no, my ex never gave me a dime for my son...we each agreed to equally take care of him financially. I don't need a man to pay for my kids. And, I never kept crappy, loser boyfriends whho beat the crap out of me around simply because they pay the rent. Loser....

Damn, that felt good! And i actually get along with this woman!


Well-known member
Child support is non negotiable. If you hadn't been difficult about it, we wouldn't have had it automatically withdrawn from your check. You were so we did.
Answer your emails.
The child is not a conduit of information.
Stop partying, going out, and living like a 23 year old.
Bring him home on time.


Well-known member
a little OT

yes child support is non negotiable

My boyfriend pays it gladly as it's his duty as a dad, and he's a good one.

the unfortunate thing is that SHE signs the son up for expensive tennis lessons (like $1,000 for 6 months) and expects him to pay for half, without checking it out with him first (as stated in the agreement). She's out there. These expenses are kind of unreasonable, he can't barely make it.

paying 1/2 on recreational activities is one thing, but expensive tennis lessons are something else. This is an average guy working in an office, not making big money. When he doesn't have it, he borrows it from his brother. Otherwise, she won't let him see his son .. won't answer the phone so he could say hi to him .. etc.
It's sad.


Well-known member
Yeah we have an odd case, because we have custody, and she pays the child support, not the other way around.


Well-known member
Man, that sounds like it sucks, guys! I have an ex-husband, but I never wanted anything from him once it was over. And I definitely feel good about my decision never to have kids with him. Now, there aren't any issues of support/custody, and we don't have to be in each other's lives.


Well-known member
lol this is an awsome topic..... I have had to deal with my partners former wife for about 4 years now, and omg isnt she a perfect model of "basket Case syndrome" if i had the oppourtunity i only have a handfull of words to say

build a bridge and get over it he is not comming home to continually deal with your phsyco princess syndrome bull shit, stop punishing your children because you are in a bad mood because they have had a great weekend with there dad. realize that you are no better than anyone else.....get therapy !

if i had to sumarize this into 3 words it would simply be F*#K OFF IDIOT !!!

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