What's more personal: your sexual past or financial history?


Well-known member
I got this from the Dailybedpost.com blog by Em & Lo. The poll answers shocked me, so I wanna see if the consensus here is the same.
"What's More Personal: Your Financial or Sexual History?
We were just checking out the forthcoming site, Bedposted.com (officially called Bedpost), not least because we wanted to make sure something with such a similar name to ours wasn't about XXX Bed Bath & Beyond porn or something. And to our relief it looks like Bedposted is going to be a stylish way to track your sexual activity; it loftily aspires to "give you some insight into your sex life" (in the tradition of My Black Book). With a tag line like "It's business time," we have high hopes. (More details on Shake Well Before Use.)

But what we found more interesting than the beta countdown was a line in their privacy policy posted on the homepage: "We understand that this is potentially the most personal of data-sets you will ever keep outside of financial records." Which got us thinking, which is more personal info: the details of your sex life or your bank statements (we're not talking passwords and pins, but income and savings, etc.)? Would you be more offended if someone asked you about your sex life or your finances at a dinner party?"

Click here for their poll and original articles...


Well-known member
Neither one. I don't care if anyone knows my financial history and as far as sex life goes, if I want you to know, I'll tell you. I'm not bashful about either


Well-known member
I'm not too shy about talking about my sexual past, especially since there isn't much to tell :p

But someone could use your financial history against you in a serious situation.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
How detailed are we talking?

If we're talking about number of partners, mine isn't really bad, honestly. If we're talking about the kinds of stuff I like, how frequently I want to have sex, etc., I'd say that's more personal.

Financially, I kind of don't want people to know how I spend my money. I find a lot of people are judgmental that I buy nice things or feed my cats well, and I have to justify it.

In general society, though, I think it's more- tasteful, for some reason, for people to inquire about finances, eg. what do you make per year?, than it is about sex.


Well-known member
Sexual history. I think people pass more judgment in this arena and doesn't every business that runs a credit report on you see your history anyway? No reports or documentation of sexual history on file.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Sexual history for sure. Someone could take a guess about how much I make knowing what I do but couldn't tell just looking at me what my sex life is like.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I'm not too shy about talking about my sexual past, especially since there isn't much to tell :p

But someone could use your financial history against you in a serious situation.

Same with me, too.


Well-known member

My financial history! I just don't like the idea of having anyone near that. My dad is a money control freak and it just pisses me off when someone tries to 'give me financial advice'

My sexual past could be pretty shocking for some, but I never did anything that wasn't fun for me!


Well-known member
This is interesting....Definately sexual past for me! Most people I know pretty much have an idea where my money goes unfortunately lol


Well-known member
lol.. i dont mind telling my parents or friends etc about my money.. but i would never tell them about my sex life LOL


Well-known member
Haha, I haven't made much money yet so I don't care about my financial history (I doubt that I have one lol). So sexual history is more personal, for sure, at least now. Maybe it'll change when I become a millionaire or something haha