What's your favorite glitter liner?


Well-known member
of the new glitterliners? Mine is Mercuric for sure! The multi colored sparkles do wonders for brown eyes. Whoot!


Well-known member
well I swapped mercuric from last release and it rocks! I missed out on Peacocky and now...it's MINE and I love it! Its by far my fave! Makes my brown eyes pop!


Well-known member
I don't know. I want to get a couple, but i don't know what would look good with green eyes. I already have shimmerline-the purple discontinued one. I love it, which one should i go for?


Staff member
I didn't get any... My daughter said I'm toooo old for some of this stuff... I told her she was tooo young for thick black eye liner. LOL!
I did get 11 of the new e/s tho! They were out of 1 of them.


Well-known member
I have spunsilver, peacocky and mercuric when they came out in 2004 and I love all of them. (In Germany I found some cheap copies from a drugstore brand,but the difference is huge!)
I'm on my second ward of Spunsilver, because it's so versatite. Goes with every eye Make up almost. Mercuric is also nice blended on the lid to support the e/s.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I might sound stupid but how much are the glitter liners? And are they permanent? I'm stuck in a city with no MAC


Well-known member
I already have peacocky and love it! The new look isn't available here in germany at the moment, but when it comes out, I will definitely buy mercuric!


Active member
Originally Posted by Miss Pumpkin
I might sound stupid but how much are the glitter liners? And are they permanent? I'm stuck in a city with no MAC

$15 apiece and they are LE

and my fave so far is Glamourgold.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Pumpkin
I might sound stupid but how much are the glitter liners? And are they permanent? I'm stuck in a city with no MAC



Well-known member
Glitter Eye Liners

So I'm slow and I've only just recently discovered how pretty the glitter eye liners were... which is your favourite?

Stupid question, I know, but only the eyeshadow from Idol Eyes were permanent right? Not the glitter eye liners?