What's your New Years resolution?


Well-known member
My New Years resolution is getting a job! I need to take my lazy ass off the sofa and go get a job and make some money $$$. I wanted to buy so many things for my family but had no money
I feel awful depending on my parents. Im an ADULT now so I need to start being responsible by finding a job and help my family out a bit with money problems!


Well-known member
Mine is to graduate, and bust my butt in school in 2006 just like I did this year. I also want/need to take the LSAT and apply to law school, so I think that's enough resolve for one year.


Well-known member
Move to a better apartment before summertime. Not just because of the heat, but because this place would be horribly unsafe for a crawling baby, no matter how hard I try to childproof it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
My New Years resolution is getting a job! I need to take my lazy ass off the sofa and go get a job and make some money $$$. I wanted to buy so many things for my family but had no money
I feel awful depending on my parents. Im an ADULT now so I need to start being responsible by finding a job and help my family out a bit with money problems!


And: Buy not so much MAC! (But I think I'll skip that two weeks later


Well-known member
to pay off my credit cards. I've been paying off my credit cards from college for 3 years now.... I really want them to go away... also... I wanna start saving some money.


Well-known member
Have more fun than last year, because i had hell of alot of fun this year, too much. and next year i'll be 16 :]]]]]].


Well-known member
not to be a bummer, but i dont set them anymore cause i never meet them and always end up feeling like crap cause i didnt accomplish anything. so to contridict myself, lol, i guess u could say mine is..

To Be Happy with myself physically and mentally. and not be so hard on myself all the time.



Well-known member
I need to sign up for a dental plan, get my finances in order (FOR REAL!), and start keeping my house cleaner.

I'd also like to be nicer to people. And not let mean people upset me.


New member
-lose about 25 lbs
-get my driver's license
-apply to grad school
-get promoted at work


Well-known member
-Create a budget, and stick to it! (no more excessive MAC splurges
-Gossip a helluva lot less than I do now
-Join a flippin gym and actually work out


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
-lose about 25 lbs
-get my driver's license
-apply to grad school
-get promoted at work

Oh yeah this reminds me I need to get my driver's license too duh!
And get much better grades than this semester I got all C's and one D in math which isnt suprising cause thats my worst subject of all!! so disapointed in myself


Well-known member
in 2006 my ass will be 18 so basically...i'm gonna live it up before i get kicked out and start living on my own haha. but that's a 6 month resolution.

come june, my resolution will be to just make it in the world. and kick ass in cosmo school so i can get a job at my favourite salon and get an apartment for me and my best.

so i kinda have 6 month resolutions, not year resolutions haha.

i bascially can't wait for this year haha.


Well-known member
I'd like to:

...not worry as much
...lose all the weight I put on from the medications my doc had me take for migraines. I put on way too much weight being on prednisone (80 lbs.) and I feel so disgusting about myself.
...to regain some self esteem and confidence I lost from being overweight.

And that's it!!!


Well-known member
I think I'm going to call 2006 "The Year of Reducing"

Reducing my waist size
Reducing my makeup collection
Reducing my debt...and the list goes on.


Well-known member
-Get accepted into NEOUCOM (Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, an accelerated medical school...so I get get my M.D. in six years instead of eight).
-Be happy, let loose, and have fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aquarius11
I'd like to:

...not worry as much
...lose all the weight I put on from the medications my doc had me take for migraines. I put on way too much weight being on prednisone (80 lbs.) and I feel so disgusting about myself.
...to regain some self esteem and confidence I lost from being overweight.

And that's it!!!

UGH... I take pred off and on for asthma also advair which I blame for weight gain too... But when it comes down to it not being in pain or breathing is more important than weight gain...


Well-known member
I would like to stay happy with my job and keep a job for two years. Manage my money better - pay my bills the month they are due and quit overdrafting my bank account!!!!. Be a better housekeeper. Drink less mountain dew or switch to the evil diet soda... and lose ten pounds at least.

I'm not going to say buy less mac..... maybe I'll buy less next year because I bought so much this year. ;-)


Well-known member
my new years resolutions is to be more outgoing instead of keeping to myself, exercise at least 3 times a week, not to procrastinate too much, use my neglected eyeshadows and to dress more "put together" instead of the "i just got up" look..lol

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