When does a product become backup worthy...


Well-known member
I recently bought 2 backups of Ether from Flashtronic. I love this eyeshadow so much. It has, after wearing it twice, became HG for me. I also got a backup of Gold Spill because I don't have any peach MSFs.

I get backups of something that becomes HG for me. Not many products become one of my HGS.

When does a product become backup worthy for you?


Well-known member
Anything that I love, or looks great on me. I buy lots of backups, mostly because I'm afraid of them being gone forever


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melliquor
I get backups of something that becomes HG for me.



Well-known member
I find if there's a significant dip in a product, and they're still available at the counter, I will buy a backup. I used to just back up my latest enthusiasm, but that became silly expensive. The only recent exception I have made is for Springtime Skipper and Moth Brown - both of which I use constantly - those were definitely going to be dipworthy, so, I bought two of each on the day I bought my Barbie stuff. They both have big dips in them, too.


Well-known member
Items dont have to be HGs for me, just ones that I use a lot of and see myself needing another. Now I usually buy backups of all my favourite pigments whether they are perm or not - I didnt with Forest Green and am kicking myself now - it was pro perm and has now been DC!!!


Well-known member
I don't have many backups, only of things that if I run out of, I know that I won't be able to live without! So far I have backups of Moth Brown, Waternymph, and Brew l/s. I'm sure I'll buy another Brew when it comes out in a couple weeks.


Well-known member
The only time I buy backups is when I find something that I think looks AWESOME on me. Not many products do, so when I find one that I can't live without I tend to buy a backup or two. I have three flirty numbers, three moth browns, three gold spills, three stereo roses, two petticoats, two so ceylons, two northern lights (I may sell one gold spill though, I don't need three!) Three flash of flesh lipglasses and two summerfetes. Thats about it as far as backups go. Those are the items that I love and could never live without. I am sure they will last forever though.


Well-known member
i only buy backups of staples when the one i am using starts to run low.

eg - powder, basic e/s, favourite gloss, etc.

the only reason i do this is thaat when it runs out mid-application one morning, i don't want to be stuck!


Well-known member
I tend to buy backups of colors I use a lot or of LE colors I really like and know I'll get a lot of use out of. I'm gonna have to go back and get a couple more of the MSFs from Flashtronic. I never bought any of the MSFs before so never knew what the big deal was all about. Now I know.
BTW, what does HG stand for??


Well-known member
I don't buy back ups very often because most colors can be duped or a similar color comes out. I have to say that I did buy 2 backups of Lightscapade because it is my most favorite hightlighter in the world.


Well-known member
I don't even wear makeup that often (I haven't worn it in 3 weeks now) and even though there are some things I absolutely love, unless it is HG like all other mentioned, I'd buy back ups. I'd be so sad if Hug Me l/s was LE - that is my absolute HG and I would buy many many backups!


Well-known member
i only buy backups of HG stuff or LE pigments because i'm a sucker for pigments. i used to just buy two of everything that i really liked but that got ridiculous REAL fast.


Well-known member
I buy back-ups of anything that is really unique that I think I will like. Some of them don't pan out and I sell or swap them, but just in case it does become HG, I don't want to have to hunt it down. However, the term unique is starting to become very narrow! Back-ups I have (so far) Beautyburst e/s, Northern Light MSF (because of the MSF craze. I keep going back & forth on if this is really HG or too sparkly), Off the Radar p/m, Jardin Aire p/m, Revved Up p/m, & Copperized p/m. I am considering if I need more Provence - Provence to me is what Naked is to most girls - it just makes everything look better when I blend from crease to browbone (and I have ALOT of skin between that area!)


Well-known member
i love ether too! i use it wet and have been using it from one side and already there is a large chunk gone. So I bought a second one because i love it so much. I'm trying to stop myself from buying a third because i'm sure there will be something just as good in the not so distant future.

The only other thing i have bought a backup for is subtle pigment...its absolutely gorgeous...but i seriously doubt i'll even finish my first


Well-known member
I don't buy backups of anything (so far). MAC lasts so long that I can't see myself running out of anything LE anytime soon, especially since I don't like to wear the same thing every single day. I guess I assume by the time I run out of something LE, there will be something out that is either similar or even better, so I save my money for new, different products.


Active member
I got an extra Vellum because it's the only shadow where I can see more tin than product, haha. I also got a backup Firespot because I love it. And Graphtio & Shimma paint, because I was using Graphito like mad for a while, but not really anymore. And Shimma because it is good for a smokey eye


Well-known member
I've never felt the need to have a "backup" of any product ever, I'm always able to find a similar product from either the same brand or a different brand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by courters
I don't buy backups of anything (so far). MAC lasts so long that I can't see myself running out of anything LE anytime soon, especially since I don't like to wear the same thing every single day. I guess I assume by the time I run out of something LE, there will be something out that is either similar or even better, so I save my money for new, different products.

I believe the exact same thing!