When I fell in love with Makeup!.....


Well-known member
I was thinking about this! How did yall know you loved makeup? When did it become a hobby?

I've always liked makeup. Starting from the cheap store makeup pallettes made for kids, progressing to Wet and Wild, Loreal, Clinique, Chanel, and MAC. I have always loved how it makes me feel so womanly. It's fun to change myself at my leisure.
I had a Barbie in the 1980s that came with makeup. Do you know what I did? I just took the makeup and put it all over my face (like camoflage).

Any other stories about how your obsession started?



Well-known member
haha gotta love barbie!

Mines sort of simlilar to yours, i was always a fan of all that girly stuff and loved barbies makeup. And I always got my dad to take me to rite aid to get me wet n wild lipstick! My first one was neon coral ahahaha.


Well-known member
I was never really into makeup as a kid (even though in my second grade school picture I was wearing dark pink lipstick lol)
I started wearing eyeliner (only on my waterline...ha) in like 7th grade. I always wore lip gloss...forever. But I never really loved makeup until 10th grade. I bought (and, sorry to say it...stole) a lot of makeup and I was always wearing some sort of eyeshadow and liner and mascara and lip gloss and 10th grade is also the year I started wearing foundation.

It started out as fun, and I'd wear it on a night out when I was getting into trouble (or when I knew I was going to)
. Then I always wore it because I felt I shouldn't go without it. Then my senior year (just this past year) I had extreme senioritis (which started in October...no lie) and was so tired and lazy and just wanted to leave school that I came to school in sweats, messy hair and absolutely no makeup. What a difference. Even now, I don't wear makeup to work unless I have time to apply it (never). I still love it though, and want to make it my living. funny huh? lol

Lisa J

Well-known member
My love started 4 months ago when I had my first visit to and makeup application at my MAC counter in the Bay! I was never really that into makeup. I always has some Maybelline stuff that I'd throw on when I felt like it... those days are gone now!


Well-known member
Hmmm...well, for me it happened around 20. Up until that point I was a tomboy. I lost a lot of weight, cut my hair really short and wore it curly and started wearing tighter, more form-fitting clothing. Next, I progressed into eyeliner and lipgloss. It was a really slow, natural progression.


Well-known member
I've always been into the arts. I guess it stemmed from that and that my bestfriend's mother is a Mary Kay consultant. So I grew up around made up ladies. My mother never wore anything. I love being able to transform into anything I fell like.


Well-known member
Haha I was a tomboy as well... but I remember I bought my first make-up which consisted in: mascara, black liner and lipgloss at the tender age of 18 LOL basically because I wanted a change, I wanted to look a bit older, I was sick of people thinking that I was 14..
So, I started to buy my make-up at a drugstore (claaaasic) until, I bought some mousse foundation from maybelline and UGH it was awful for me, I broke out like never ever before, since then I decided that I was going to invest money in quality products..so one day I walked into MAC and asked for concealer, foundation.. and.. then I discovered specktra.. and now I'm a MACADDICT & I'M FREAKING LOVING IT!!!!
Haha I just remember my first MAC e/s was cranberry, and I didn't know how to apply make-up AT ALL so I grabed one of those sponge applicators and put it ALL OVER MY EYES lids, crease, no highlight ,cranberry til my brow!! EWW haha.
I gotta say that the tutorials help me sooo much.. I still need to learn a lot more, but I feel way confident when applying make-up.


Well-known member
Seriously, I think that I almost had makeup in my hands as a toddler. I do remember trying to create my own makeup and false fingers in grammar school with all sorts of stuff. I actually went to school with my own self created e/s on my lids until busted by a kid on the bus.

I was always girlie. I went to school at 5 y/o with a whole pack of barrettes in my hair. That's 8 barrettes in all of the colors too. I was Cleopatra alright. I created my own hairstyles and shoes, but that's another story line.

Back to makeup. I got my first tube of champagne lipstick from my mother at around 12, but I had already been trying to create a line of my own in grammar school that went really bad. By my teens, I had the MAC look down. I remember girls in class asking me if my mother did my makeup. You can literally see a transformation in my school pictures from a natural girl to who is that under all the makeup. Then, it went to all sophisticated. I have had many looks. I know it makes me laugh when a MA tries to stereotype my everyday look. I do all sorts stuff still. I never get locked into "a look".


Well-known member
i have been into eyeshadow for ages and always had some stuff but didn't fall in love till after my wedding. Had my make up done for the big day and my Dad said i looked so nice and should show myself off more like that.
Met my Mum for lunch one day with bad eyemake up on and ended up spending a fortune at the MAC counter!
Since then its been a growing passion which is getting worse by the week especially since being on here!
Can't believe the places i went with no make up on looking back!


Well-known member
I was a out-right tomboy for ages. In school I was a bit of a bully as well. My mother was always trying to get me to wear makeup but I was rebellious. When I travelled to Canada to do my undergrad degree, in my second year I bought MAC bronzing powder, my first MAC purchase. Later in that school year I went out with my best friend to a party in Scarborough and she wore Chestnut l/l and Icon l/s. I just had to have it.

I went onto to buy a few other things but mainly lipstick and maybe one colour on my lid. My eyeshadow fixation did not come until recently. I got my makeup done at a MAC counter for my cousin's wedding (2006) and then proceeded to buy everything that was used, mainly browns. This year I went to another counter and asked for help adding colour to my bounty. They were so very helpful, that I have never turned back. I am now a true MAC Addict!


Well-known member
I actually didn't get in to makeup until a year or two ago. I wasn't allowed to wear it at all growing up and when I left home and had the choice I didn't really get in to it apart from a bit of eyeliner. It was only when I started to think of it as an extension of style that I became really interested. I always try to put together interesting ensembles to wear and I see makeup as another accessory like jewellery. It's another way for me to show my personality

Honestly, visiting this site (don't remember how I stumbled in here) and seeing all of the gorgeous FOTD's really inspired me. And now I'm a total MAC addict... Thanks alot girls n boys!



Well-known member
I think my first experiences with makeup first started back when I was 2 years old and my mom would let me paint over her face with my sisters old makeup to distract me enough to feed me. From there on in I was only exposed to the stuff my sister would use (my mom hates makeup but encourages my sis and i to wear it to enhance our features)
Fast forward to when the obsession really began- my soph yr in high school when I had my first taste of "real" makeup via elizabeth arden and sephora. I would have to say my love reached its apex my jr yr in college, when it truly became a hobby, a passion and a love. To me its about being creative, fun, and inherently girly. I feel like I can change myself by putting on that bit of gloss and shadow

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I first became interested when I started reading stuff like 17 and YM. I was around 10-11. I loved the Hard Candy eyeshadow quartets, thought they were amazing in their colors.

I first really got into wearing making when I discovered Sephora at age 16 or 17. All the beautiful packaging, the bright colors, what wasn't there to love?

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
ha, when i was a younnngggg little boy, i would secretly go into my grandmothers bathroom and put on lipstick.
then one time i was at her house, i wanted to try mascara cause it looked cool at the time, but she said that i'd get it in my eyes and it'd hurt. lol.
and so then i was like, a boy forever. and in 6th grade my friend "begged" (more like, kind of asked and i said ok) to put makeup on me.

thennn in like, 9th grade i wore heavy black eyeliner ONLY on the bottom. i think later that year (maybe 10?) i started wearing messy pencil liner on top and bottom.

then i went to some drag show. so i started wearing bright ass, horribly done eyeshadows. and thats all. but never in public. only in my bathroom. lol

then i started wearing eyeshadows and including eyeliner (liquid, at this point, only because i was interested and never seen it in person and wondered how it could be liquid. lol) and mascara and all. but still only in my bathroom (and to take myspace pics, duhhhh) and then one of my friends told me if i was going to wear eyeshadow, i needed foundation.

so then i started wearing foundation
and then after that i added in some blush
and some lipgloss.
now i've got everything under the sun (not really, but a hell of a lot) and wear it all, everywhere.

so i guess it was a very gradual love since when i was like 5 or 6


Well-known member
I was never really into makeup other than foundation and l/s. I had to wear l/s when my parents weren't around. I used to be really into l/s to the point where I would copy Mary J. Blige's video looks (in the 90s). (Do yall remember [Biggie Smalls "One More Chance" video] the lilac frost l/s w/ the dark liner? Loved it!!)

It was not until the January 2005, I started getting into e/s because my hubby and I were going to a town soiree... I have been hooked ever since... Then I got into the MSFs. (Got Stereo Rose and Metal Rock to wear as e/s, but starting wearing SR as blush) Now, I am into blush, e/s, fluidlines, MSFs (I kick myself for missing out on Petticoat and So Ceylon). I am not into l/g or l/s like I used to be though.


Well-known member

i think all little girls have been in their mother's makeup once or twice...so for me that doesnt count..lol...it all started for me when i was 10..i wanted to wear it when i looked in magazines but wasnt allowed to wear it..by the time i was 12 my mama gave in and said, "you can only wear lipliner and clear lipgloss!" so i wore that but snuck and wore other makeup for 4 years..hehehe!..by the time i was 16..i was ALLOWED to wear everything...i knew i was ok at that time..but i had some serious work to do if i wanted to get great...now after a decade, (for non math folk..that's 22 years old
) i feel i am great..not trying to sound stuck up, but truly confident and believe in me cause i never did before...until now!


Well-known member
I remember when I was little I had a bright pink lipstick that I loved to wear. I left it in my mom's car once and it melted. I was so sad!
I think I've always been interested in makeup. I started wearing powder in 6th grade, eyeliner and mascara in 7th. And it just progressed from that into full face makeup.