Where are Jude and 'Nessa?


New member
awww...I feel loved

Yup, I've been very busy with work and family life.

My FOTD's have been super boring lately

I've been so busy that it's just been tightlining and mascara for the eyes.


Well-known member
You ARE loved, silly *big grin*!!! hee hee

Jude's fairly busy at the moment, I recall she may not be able to pop in as much as she would like. Or perhaps she's tied up because she's paying her respects to her various worldwide fans, it wouldn't surprise me!

Perhaps her superhero name could Jetsetting Jude! Her superhero talent being makeup wizardry of course!


Well-known member
Hey guys! Things have been a little crazy here for a bunch of different reason so my Specktra time has unfortunately been cut down some. I also have been converted as a Lushie so bathing has become a big part of my nighttime ritual (thanks Gem, you nut!).

Lately, I have been working a natural look but once things start going my way here, I will start harrassing all of you again
