Where did you get your pomeranian from?


Well-known member
Hello ladies,
i plan on buying two poms, a female and a male very soon.can you refer me to a breeder or give me suggestions please so i can decide where to buy?

i live in MD if that can help
thank you ladies!


Well-known member
try petfinder.com
they have tons of poms of all ages
just type your zip code and it will find some.
& congrats on the poms i loveeee those dogs theyre so cute!


Well-known member
You could do a google search for Pomeranian clubs in the state and ask them for information, those sorts of organizations tend to know about the best breeders because they're (obviously) serious about the breed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Talk to some vets to get some names

Originally Posted by ~Valerie~
You could do a google search for Pomeranian clubs in the state and ask them for information, those sorts of organizations tend to know about the best breeders because they're (obviously) serious about the breed.

Yes! please do this! I LOVE Pomeranians, they are my absolute favourite, my fiance and I own two. If you are planning to rescue then this doesn't apply so much, but if you are buying a puppy PLEASE do plenty of research!

Since you're buying soon I'm guessing you've done loads of research and read up on the breed...but there are so many shonky/backyard breeders and puppy mills out there, selling poms that have terrible health problems and are sometimes not even fully pomeranians!

And when you have them make sure to post pics, I want to seeeeeeeeee ^_^ I
poms so much!

Good luck on your search