whether all macy's has mac counter?


Well-known member
just found there will be a macy's around my place. I was told that it won't open till Sep. i'm really exiciting and cann't wait entering mac counter

j babyy

Well-known member
not all macys have mac counters. i think that they have to have a certain amount of customers or something until mac will have a counter there
but i could be wrong


Well-known member
no. i know of about 10 macy*s locations in the greater los angeles area, only 3 or 4 of them have mac counters. i don't know what the factors are in deciding which ones get them, although zoning and foot traffic probably plays a large part in it. the ones near me that have a mac counter are in malls or locations that do NOT have a nordstrom or mac freestanding store.


Well-known member
nope - there are a few Macy's near me that don't have MAC
I wish they all would though - it would make the drive to the MAC counter a lot easier, since the closest Macy's to me is 5 mins away and the one with the MAC counter is an hour away.


Well-known member
I think it has to do with where you live and what other stores are available....usually, if there are a limited amount of Nordstrom's around, Macy's will have a MAC counter. It also depends on the size of the Macy's and where the nearest MAC stores are located. A good majority is also based on the population size in your town and how heavy the demand is for cosmetics in general.....if there are no Nordstrom's or Saks, count on Macy's to have a MAC counter.


Well-known member
I don't have a Nordstroms in my whole state. I have a Macy's here, but no MAC. I have a MAC counter in my Dillards, but I don't know how many states have those though. There are only 2 MAC countes out here. I'm in New Mexico which probably explains why. All I have to say, is I'm so glad I'm from Los Angeles.


Well-known member
The Macy's near me just put in a MAC counter not too long ago. I am not sure if it matters the number of customers, but there is a Nordstroms and a Free standing store on either side of the Macy's. Actually now that I think about it, 3 out of the 4 Macy's near me have MAC counters. Jackpot!


Well-known member
The Macy's where i live has a MAC under construction i'm extremely excited to no more driving 35 miles to get to MAC
my boyfriend nearly died when we were walking in the mall to find me a dress and i pointed out the MAC under construction he was like "well there goes our savings"


I got really excited when the macys near me bought out hechts (i think) then moved into their space in the mall and put in a MAC counter, so now I can use my Macy's card for MAC until I start teaching this fall (and can afford MAC again). Though I have been good and only getting no more than 3 items from a collection, and thats if I'm in love with it.


Well-known member
The macys is pretty large by me and has a large cosmetics dept and no mac, also mac freestandng store is right next door so I think thats why, also as for foot traffic, its a very large mall so i dont think thats it.

When i worked there people would ask if we had a mac counter not to buy but mostly to return...


Well-known member
No ma'am jus went to one without it. Hmm, my Belk has one tho... dunno if that helps. mayeb you can do a search on the website if you dont know for sure if theres one near you.

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