Whhhat? Ultracheek question


Well-known member
There is only one blush that is LE??? If so that would save me so much money right now cause I could get them later on.


Well-known member
i just noticed that too! i really hope that's true, b/c if they aren't permanent i am going to have to make some tough decisions b/c of all of the culturebloom stuff i want too. let's keep our fingers crossed that they are not LE! all of this new stuff is making my head spin!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_addict_77
There is only one blush that is LE??? If so that would save me so much money right now cause I could get them later on.

Yes isnt it great? I was worried they were ALL LE, but thank goodness they are not and I can get them cheaper in pan form as well at my leisure.


Well-known member
Sweeeeeeet, I can deal with just getting one blush. I want all of them so that would have put a huge dent in my wallet.


Well-known member
theres a few blushes that have been discontinued... dont know them all by name but ya. also a ton of lipsticks too


Well-known member
Yea, i noticed that too. Which is a pretty good thing cuz Shy Angel looks way way too light for me and im not interested in any of the glimmershimmers. All my money goes to CultureBloom this month.


Well-known member
I've my eyes on Peachtwist! The shade's new right? I'm surprised it's not LE like previous collections.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allan_willb
i hardly use blush...so how much are the blushes in the pans and the empty blush pallet?

the blush palette case is 12.50 and the blush palette is 14.00!!!


Well-known member
Thank goodness there is only one LE blusher... if not I will really be dead!

lah_knee, do you happen to know which blushers are they going to discontinue?


Well-known member
I really dig the idea of some LE, some not. Makes it a whole lot easier to look at a collection and see what I "need." LOL


Well-known member
thx brandi u rock!! i love my es in the pallet of course u save HUNDREDS!!!!but i dont usually buy too many blushes so i think i mite just get em in the regular case.i dunno what do u think?whats ur blush in?

Originally Posted by brandi
the blush palette case is 12.50 and the blush palette is 14.00!!!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I don't know if it's new, I tried it on, its sooooo pretty. I didn't purchase it because I just got Pinkderpeach/Trustfund (I'm not loving it), so I purchased the Catherine Deneuve Col. Tahitian Sand beauty powder to try to tone down the blush. If It doesn't work, it wll be up for sale soon.
Anyway. since it's not LE, I can get it later.

Originally Posted by jeannette
I've my eyes on Peachtwist! The shade's new right? I'm surprised it's not LE like previous collections.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by allan_willb
thx brandi u rock!! i love my es in the pallet of course u save HUNDREDS!!!!but i dont usually buy too many blushes so i think i mite just get em in the regular case.i dunno what do u think?whats ur blush in?

i thought about getting a blush pallette myself, but keeping them in singles is better for travel, IMO. i can't imagine a trip i would go on where i would need to bring six blushes with me, you know?

ANYWAY, I went to go see the ultracheek stuff today and I probably would've gotten Springsheen (it's like Margin only with a pinker undertone), but it's permanent and I just bought both of the blushcremes from Culturebloom on Monday so I thought it might be a little too excessive. I'll get it sometime when I have a gift card or whatever. I did walk away with Orange Twink glimmershimmer though (couldn't resist).

Also, Shy Angel (the one LE blush) kinda sucks, I'm sorry. I'm NC40 and even on top of another blush the stuff didn't show up on me AT ALL. I can only imagine this blush being useful for darker skinned beauties as a highlighter, though the MSF's would do a way better job anyway.