Which are you?


Well-known member
I'm a coffee bean. I change things around me to make whatever is troubling me better.

Thanks for that! Very uplifting!!


Well-known member
thats a sweet story! Never heard of it
Idk who i am, i think an egg, i wish i evoluate to a coffe bean 1 day. But damn, still sometimes i'm such a carrot! Damn


Well-known member
The timing of that story couldn't have been better! I'm going off to college in the fall for the first time, and being a very introverted person, it scares me. So this story kind of helped me deal with the upcoming event.


Well-known member
I would say I go in like the egg and come out like the carrot...I'm very afraid of conflict (and proud of it) and I have no tolerance for adversity...I would rather run away than face fears.


Well-known member
What a great story!
I totally think that I am a little bit of all three but I can really be an egg sometimes.


Well-known member
I guess I'm an egg. Which actually can be a bad thing when it comes to needing to have sympathy and forgiveness :/

Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
The timing of that story couldn't have been better! I'm going off to college in the fall for the first time, and being a very introverted person, it scares me. So this story kind of helped me deal with the upcoming event.

I started college all alone with no friends last fall, but I made it through eventually, even as a less-than-extroverted-type :] Just be open and confident and I'm sure lovely people will go swarming towards you