which blush & bronzer


Active member
I hope this is in the right place.

Im going to get either Mac MSF's in Lightflush and Warmed or Nars Orgasm Blush and Laguna Bronzer but cant decide which will be best!!

Which ones are least shimmery? I want them for day use mainly but want to look natural too.
I have pale skin.

I really cant decide which 2 to go for.

Any help appreciated.


Well-known member
the msf are very shimmery but are really translucent unless you load up your brush. laguna is gorgeous but i have really pale skin nw20 and when i used orgasm its really pigmented and i looked like someone rubbed cotton candy on my face. also orgasm has chunky glitter in it and is shimmery. i would say the msfs are better and just laguna bronzer if you have really light skin.


Well-known member
Warmed is my favorite bronzer, the only one I've ever been able to use. I'm an NC15.


Well-known member
i own all four products and my faves are deff the msfs. i did two fotds last week with light flush and warmed if that helps.
im nw20 and the msfs look the most natural on me. ive got warmed msf on my cheeks in my avatar pic (dont know if thats the right word).
id be happy to do some swatches of all four if you'd like