Which brush for creme blushes?


Well-known member
I am completely new to creme blushes, and I have a Lillyland Cremeblend on it's way as my first creme blush ever.

Which brush do you guys use with creme blushes?


Well-known member
I use my 131 more than my 188, but both of those work well

I find the 187 too big for putting on cream blush...

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
188. I can use the 187 but I only use one half of it and the other half to blend it more. It's just too big to dip the whole thing in.


Well-known member
I like the MAC 190 or 191 blush for application of creame products as these are made of taklon fibre. After application, I blend with a 187 as usual. A great brush for cream products is the Philosophy air brush which can apply and blend beautifully.