Which PIGMENT do you HATE????


Well-known member
all of the chunky ones- primarily Frost and Rose.

I want to make Sunpepper & Old Gold work but they both look like absolute crap on me, no matter how I use them!

& Pink Bronze is just a very ugly colour IMO

I don't know what y'all are talking about 'bout Helium. I love mine! (and find it much easier to work with than the other chunky pigments)
You can happily sell/swap yours to me LOL


Well-known member
I don't like chartruese, I just can't figure out how to make it work for me. I never wear greens or blues, so I'm just stumped by it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I'm NW20, blonde hair, blue eyes.


Well-known member
I hate Rose because it's just plain chunky and very hard to work with!

And I have such a luck that I get a sample of it with almost every swap I make! LOL


Well-known member
Ok, so i have to agree with everyone who hates Rose pigment.

I finally tried it out. The texture wasn't too terrible - over a base it wasn't too bad, but the colour looked absolutely terrible on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aussiechick28
So far the only one is Old Gold. On me, it turns a bright neon green (my background is Indian).

Try it with a golden or pink shadestick underneath, it will turn it more golden, but Old Gold is supposed to have a lime green undertone, that's what makes it so unique.


Active member
Originally Posted by HotLady1970
I hate Rose because it's just plain chunky and very hard to work with!

I'm not a fan of Rose either. It just doesn't work for me.


Well-known member
Helium - loved the color, but couldn't get it to work no matter what I tried it with

Rose - gorgeous, but too messy to work with, can't get a smooth application

Usually any of the ultra glitter/chunky ones really turn me off


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madamepink78
not a big fan of the fairylite so I gave it away

Second Fairylite...


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I have only used two pigments so far, Fuchsia & Deep Blue Green and both were fine. I am a little scared of the pigments. I haven't mastered them yet.


Well-known member
I do not like Kitchmas, Pink Bronze. I almost gave away melon, but thankfully, I figured out how to use it.


Well-known member
What is it about Rose? I soooo wanted this to work- such a beautiful color! I CANNOT get this stuff to stick to my lid, even with a primer. It has no problem finding it's way onto my face though...someone please tell MAC and maybe they'll replace it with a better one!


Well-known member
I have issues with entremauve. I love the colour, but find it impossible to work with. And I bought a full size one too. I wish I could get it to work, because Im a purple addict!


Well-known member
helium, genuine orange, pink bronze. yuck. oh, and entremauve. i just can't get it to apply or blend. i don't know what's up. i thought i got a bad batch, so i bought a sample from someone else, and same thing... idk!!!

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