Originally Posted by blepharisma
On a related note... What about the original Blue? I know many people liked it better than the Rebel Rock Blue - but does that affect how much people are buying the original Blue for?
And what about the others that were discontinued at the same time as 'original' Blue: Maroon, Green, Gold, Silver.
i really prefer the original blue than the rebelrock blue. it's smoother and a teeny bit brighter than the rebelrock one.
all the discontinued frosts are awesome, they're the equivalent to a veluxe pearl e/s. most current pigments are flakey and harder to work with imo. maroon now goes for a lot on ebay as of recent. gold pigment is similar to golden lemon...silver is really pretty but if you can't get your hands on one, use silver ring. [edit] green pigment is my favorite, only because it was my first pigment (along with melon)...humid is similar, but not the same imo.[/edit] the discontinued frosts go for around $30+ on ebay.
original blue lost value ever since the repromote came out because people are satisified with the repromote. i'm sure the people who do have the original blue prefer that one than the rebelrock one.