Which pigments are these?


Well-known member
hii thereeee. For christmas i got four pigment samples from my dad from the mac lady. =]
I have no idea what they are though and I was wondering if any of you could help me out? The picture quality is bad but maybe you can still make out the colour....



Well-known member
I'm sorry...good idea.
okay, going from the first pic. the one of the far left is a brownish gold colour the pinkish one pretty much looks like in the picture,it is like a really light lavender...i looked on the website and it looks most like fairylite but i'm not sure.the next one is a beige, and seems less sparkly than the other two. and then finallythe one of the far right is like a brownish pinkish colourthat kind of reminds me of a dark version of lily white for some reason, even though its a lot more brown.


Well-known member
Without pics, it's so hard to tell hon.

Maybe helium, kitchmas, your ladyship, fairylite, provence, =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelseaa
brownish pinkish colourthat kind of reminds me of a dark version of lily white for some reason, even though its a lot more brown.

Pink Bronze?
Maybe try swatching the pigments?



Well-known member
I think one is deff kitchmas, if jhe got the samples at a store or counter they should have wrote the names on the bottom. And if he bought them online the seller should have wrote the name.