White Shadow Base


Active member
I am looking for a white base for my blues because they seem to look a whole lot better when I apply one of my cheap white eyeliners underneath, but this liner tends to make my shadow crease. So any suggestions on some products?


Well-known member
I use NYX's Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Milk for a white base. As long as I put my UDPP underneath I don't experience any creasing (and I have crazy oily eyelids!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by widdershins
I use NYX's Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Milk for a white base. As long as I put my UDPP underneath I don't experience any creasing (and I have crazy oily eyelids!)

TOTALLY agree! Those eye shadow pencils are good stuff! I love the white one.
Also, MAC CCB in Luna would be a good option too.


Well-known member
Do you guys use a white base alot?
Are the shadow colors more vibrant?
what colors work best witha white base?


Active member
Thanks, i'll look into the NYX pencil I forgot about those..and I have
been debating on the Luna CCB.

MEGCLARE I use a white base under specifically my Electric Eel and a purple eyeshadow from Nars. The white base really brings out the true pan color for me in both the shadows.


Active member
I'd have to agree with the ccb or even one of those paint sticks - I know they have it in white, just can't remember the name. You might get a better texture there as I find the ccb to be a little greasy so it slides around a bit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by widdershins
I use NYX's Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Milk for a white base. As long as I put my UDPP underneath I don't experience any creasing (and I have crazy oily eyelids!)

I've always been curious, but is it matte?

Anyways I use a matte white cake eyeliner from a company called "La Femme". Its dry and must be used wet. I use mixing medium and it works great. Its Only $3 but as far as I know its only available online at makupmania.com


Well-known member
You can try MAC's shadestick in Overcast.

Its white and the shadesticks tend to be a little drier so that will help with creasing/oily lids.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
You can try MAC's shadestick in Overcast.

Its white and the shadesticks tend to be a little drier so that will help with creasing/oily lids.

Slight hijack, but I was going to rec this shadestick too.. although it's no longer on the MAC website and it is sparkly, but I would recommend it highly! I am almost out of this too...

Is overcast shadestick D/c'ed??


Well-known member
Tiramisu I believe most of the shadesticks are d/c ed.

About the nyx jumbo pencil.. i have it too. I bought it over luna 'cause some people told me luna wasn't that good. But you most DEF have to use it with udpp or some other stronger base it's very creamy.