Whitening Teeth

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Well-known member
I recently purchased the "Crest Night Effects whitening gel" and im just curious to know if anyone else has tried it?I've checked out some other places and some people recomended it while others didnt.My question is,im kinda paranoid when it comes to things like this so I was wondering,this gel goes on your teeth overnight and your not supposed eat or drink anything,but obviously your going to salivate so with that,is it safe if you swallow a bit of the product?


Well-known member
Those wipe on gels won't do you much good because they move while you're sleeping and don't stay on. I had very mediocre results with that. The Crest Whitestrips are a lot better and it's not so gross having to sleep with it, you just leave it on for 30 mins and then take it out. Use Sensodyne toothpaste with it though to prevent tooth sensitivity.


Well-known member
Crest Whitestrips gave me EXCRUCIATING pain, and I didn't even use the premium ones but the regular ones and only used them once every other day, instead of the recommended twice a day.

It would make my teeth throb and ache and it felt ultra sensitive, usung Sensodyne anto-sensitivity toothpaste did not help. I took 2 Aspirin, it did not help.

Perhaps I'm a big baby but for me I could not stand the sensitivity.

I wonder if Britesmile or Zoom is that bad...
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