Who else does this (AND DONT LIE!)...


Well-known member
After I wash/blow out my hair, I cant' stop looking at it, touching it, playing it, restyling it, and flipping it around like some sort of Pantene commercial. Same thing with my nails, I had my toes done today and I keep trying on all my sexiest open toed shoes and walking around because they just look so much better with pedicured feet in them...

And I do it with new makeup. The first time I wear it, I snap pictures to death, look at it every chance I get, and keep my eyelids low and sultry so those around me can check out the new colors.

...i'm not self-absorbed, I swear. I think I just have an obsession with things that are "new," cuz the next day, I'm totally over it.

MAC is love

Well-known member
HAHAHA. Ashlee, I am totally hearing you. I do the same thing. Not so much with the hair (sometimes more than others) but ESPECIALLY with the whole pedicured feet thing. I absolutely LOVE getting my toes done, and I always wear cute sandles and what not with them. I remember when I first purcased Helium pigment I was overly obsessed with it. Next day? Over it. lol!


Well-known member
Seriously, when I got all that baloonacy crap I was head over heels and even made it worth my boyfriend's while cuz he bought it for me...i haven't even really worn any of it, i depanned the quad and put some of the pans up for swap. and i haven't even touched helium pigment except to rub it on my face to see what color it would turn as blush/highlighter.
i'm so mean to my MAC lately cuz i can't wear it to work lol


And toes...OMG the manicurist massaged my legs and feet for like 20 minutes, i almost fell asleep in the chair.


Well-known member
I do the same with my hair, and when I do my nails. I think my hair looks awesome when I blowdry it over a round brush, and it feels sooo smooth and soft. Same with my nails, when I do them up all nice with some nail varnish, I just can't stop looking at them! Haha..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I do the same with my hair, and when I do my nails. I think my hair looks awesome when I blowdry it over a round brush, and it feels sooo smooth and soft. Same with my nails, when I do them up all nice with some nail varnish, I just can't stop looking at them! Haha..

yeah, I've finally started using the round brush to blow out my hair, and it gives it so much body and it adds texture to my mildly layered cut, and it feels so much more healthy. I love it! I just need a bigger brush so that it doesn't take me so long.


Well-known member
i do the same thing with my nails. when i get a pedicure i put on all my open toed shoes and walk around and when i get a manicure i just keep looking at my nails and tapping them on things, lmao. with my new makeup i just keep taking it out of my traincase and staring at it.


Well-known member
I am so guilty. My hair is too short to flip or anything but when it's freshly done I can't stop touching it and thinking how soft it is. I have to tell myself to stop touching it before I start to make it greasy.

I rarely paint my nails so when I do I always want to wear open-toed shoes and am constantly noticing my hands.

MAC is love

Well-known member
I think the only time I obsess over my hair is when it's "freshly cut" I keep running my hands through it...especially the ends. No more fried hair, yeah!


Well-known member
i do it too, ash.
especially on the very rare ocassion that i'm having a good hair day, i'll look at it every chance i get. and having a camera phone is something i consider a blessing on days like thouse.


Well-known member
I do it too. I think I must appear so self absorbed...if my hair is looking good, I'll be checking it out in every mirror I pass.
Nails too, especially because it's rare that I paint them!


Well-known member
I'm glad i'm not the only semi-narcisist running around!
And i only do it when it's super fresh. Like today, after sleeping on it and spending so much time applying glitter to my eyes (lol) I was pressed for time so I couldn't style it. It looks like shit now compared to last night when it was smokin' hot and full of porn-star caliber volume lol


Well-known member
I honestly only do the hair thing after I dye it or get it cut. I could care less after that. I'm way to lazy to do anything like that when it's the same old same old hair.


Well-known member
yep. definitly guilty. lol!! we all have those "damn i look good" moments
nothing wrong with that!


Well-known member
nails get me! hair sometimes . usually i look at my nails when they are freshly done ,then my engagemnt ring ,them my nails, then my ring, then my nails....and then i debate what sparkles more (just kidding-i'm such an idiot LOL)


Well-known member
I'm sure we all do it. Its just having the balls (or ovaries? o_O) to admit it.
Especially with my hair! Every time my hair looks good, I just sit there and stare at it, and think to myself "GOD I HAVE GREAT HAIR"



Well-known member
oh hell I am a total narcissist! I have a frickin mirror on my desk by my computer so I can look at myself when I am posting!

I love when I have my hair all straightened with shine stuff in it and its so soft I keep running my fingers through it and then the next day I have to wash it again cuz I got it greasy...and then the cycle starts over again!

Same with the nails...I am so obsessed with mine cuz I used to bite them and I envied long nailed gals and now I have to remember to cut mine cuz they get sooo long cuz i forget about them...and then i buff them and they are so shiney and smooth and i am constantly running them over my lips cuz it feels cool...haha


Well-known member
when i get a great cut (somewhat drastic), then i like to put make-up on to complete the look. hehehe.

i don't get my nails done often, but the last mani/pedi i got, i was caught admiring my hand when i was at rotations. the pharmacist sarcastically asked my if was checking out my engagement ring! (we have that kinda of friendship where we clown on each other). that was so funny, but i really was checking out my nails.

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