Who here works in their own garden?


New member
I have a few questions but first...Just wondering who here likes to work in their yard?

Hubby and I spend a good bit of the weekend working in our yard and I am going to be sad that winter is coming. The house we bought has TONS of different plants and the previous owners did not take care of everything so it was all going wild!

Does anyone have pics of their Gardens/yards? I love to see them!

I need some ideas!

Now my questions...

I have a few bulbs that I need to plant and I have NO idea what to do with them!

I was thinking about putting them in pots but I need some more info on them.

Just wondering if anyone here has a green thumb?


New member
Welcome to Specktra!!!

You have such beautiful flowers! That must be tons of hard work but worth it! Not to mention those beautiful sky pictures!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

Ok now about what bulbs I have. I've got 30 Snow Crocus mixed, 3 Ballde Tulips, 24 Alpine Rosy Bells. Luckily they all came with instructions on how far apart and how deep. Also when they will bloom. I am just not sure if I can plant them in pots and when to do it. I got the bulbs from Breck's. I am in Zone 7.

I have such crappy dirt I think I am going to need about 10 bags of miracle grow!