WHO is Jesus?

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Indeed. As I said before I would never dream of shoving my truth down ANYONE'S throat, and while I may not hold someone else's truth to be my own, I do (generally) respect it.


Well-known member
hmm i see what you're saying. i dont believe in anything other then what my faith says but doesnt mean i dont have respect for other religions. again small groups are creating friction which leads to the build up of Generlisation and assumptions about muslims/christians/sikh/jews etc etc


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
That's completely untrue.
It doesn't work that way.
If the troops pulled out there would not be, as you stated earlier in the thread, peace in the area.
Even more to the point, someone more corrupt and twisted than Hussein could effectively take power in the region, during its time of weakness, and create more genocide and mass murder.
Are you denying that Hussein committed mass murder and genocide?
A nation left without a government in firm control is open for all kinds of bad things to happen.
And, I think it's well documented regarding Hussein's opinion on America.

ive noticed u seem to imply alot of things regarding my opinions. i HAVE NOT EVEN SAID HUSSEIN COMMITED MASS MURDER OR GENOCIDE. i have no sympathy for the dude. hes not a true muslim whether he dies or not not my business. problems in iraq have been going on for years and years and years why didnt the troops step in then, why all of a sudden after 9/11. War in Afghanistan to capture osama bin laden, yet he remains untouched, i watched a documentry 9/11 LOOSE CHANGE and it was from an AMERICANS point of view and it amazed me how low the govt of america will stoop. if they are really there to make iraq more stable they should have gone there many years ago.


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oh and yes saddam husseins real problem is with SHIA MUSLIMS. hence the mass murders and genocides, american troops are not shias are they? neither are british soldiers


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There was NO ONE willing to stand up for those people, and they apparently COULD NOT stand up for themselves...
They get to die...because they're shia?

There wasn't anyone willing to stand up for those people, and as their slaughter had been going on unchecked for decades, what is the world supposed to do?
Specifically what is the US supposed to do when we're in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation?
If we don't help, we're villified because by God we're the most powerful nation in the world we should help those poor people, if we DO help, we're sticking our noses in it...


Well-known member
well saddam has been caught. good enough reason for troops to pull out and go and find the real so called culprits they went to war for, america may seem like the most powerful nation but with a leader like Bush i dont see that title staying long. a nation which makes billions of $'s from the PORN industry found it hard to fork out money to help make poverty history and combat the debts of third world countries, you have conflit withing your own country, im pretty sure kanye west's speech on tv was v intresting on how slow the gvt was in providing aid to hurricane Katrina victims

Originally Posted by shimmer
There was NO ONE willing to stand up for those people, and they apparently COULD NOT stand up for themselves...
They get to die...because they're shia?

There wasn't anyone willing to stand up for those people, and as their slaughter had been going on unchecked for decades, what is the world supposed to do?
Specifically what is the US supposed to do when we're in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation?
If we don't help, we're villified because by God we're the most powerful nation in the world we should help those poor people, if we DO help, we're sticking our noses in it...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
well saddam has been caught. good enough reason for troops to pull out and go and find the real so called culprits they went to war for, america may seem like the most powerful nation but with a leader like Bush i dont see that title staying long. a nation which makes billions of $'s from the PORN industry found it hard to fork out money to help make poverty history and combat the debts of third world countries, you have conflit withing your own country, im pretty sure kanye west's speech on tv was v intresting on how slow the gvt was in providing aid to hurricane Katrina victims

LMAO you're really going to go there? Kanye West is was and always will be a joke.
Yes we do have conflict within our own country. I would love to see it solved.
What we don't have is mass genocide.

Again, who is going to stand in for the ones who were being slaughtered if the troops pull out?
How is it NOT going to become a free for all?

Lalli, you're losing your points now, because you're reaching for anything and everything to discredit the statement, without furthering your own argument.

edited for spelling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
LMAO you're really going to go there? Kanye West is was and always will be a joke.
Yes we do have conflict within our own country. I would love to see it solved.
What we don't have is mass genocide.

Again, who is going to stand in for the ones who were being slaughtered if the troops pull out?
How is it NOT going to become a free for all?

Lalli, you're losing your points now, because you're reaching for anything and everything to discredit the statement, without furthering your own argument.

edited for spelling.

Losing my points? u may be waaaay older then me mayb thats why you have such old fashioned views but i strongly disagree with the troops being there. american cnt even solve its own issues. your nation is made up of people from around the world. you're not all "true americans" the USA and UK being in Iraq is a waste of time and money. oil greedy nation


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
Losing my points? u may be waaaay older then me mayb thats why you have such old fashioned views but i strongly disagree with the troops being there. american cnt even solve its own issues. your nation is made up of people from around the world. you're not all "true americans" the USA and UK being in Iraq is a waste of time and money. oil greedy nation

Darlin, if it were for OIL alone, we would have gone in, taken immediate control of the refineries, and regulated oil exports from that country directly to ours, and brought our nation's gas prices down to about a dollar per gallon.

I'm not that much older than you and my views are not necessarily old fashions.

I don't want the troops there either, but they ARE, and taking them out is nothing more than an engraved invitation for trouble.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Darlin, if it were for OIL alone, we would have gone in, taken immediate control of the refineries, and regulated oil exports from that country directly to ours, and brought our nation's gas prices down to about a dollar per gallon.

I'm not that much older than you and my views are not necessarily old fashions.

I don't want the troops there either, but they ARE, and taking them out is nothing more than an engraved invitation for trouble.

ok im 19. and im more intrested in seeing people of this world getting the help they need i have no sympathy for leaders like Bush and Blair who think war is the answer to everything. Sunni's and Shia's clash majorly, u need to study shiaism to find out WHY. that war will never ever end!! it is about oil. america can easily do the logical thing along with the UK and pull out and spend the money elsewhere


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
...your nation is made up of people from around the world. you're not all "true americans" .....

What do you mean by this? What is the purpose of this statement?

Originally Posted by Lalli
.......oil greedy nation

Thanks for the stereotype! Really big of you. You're tops in my book. Just to bring up a point. Just as it is offensive when someone lumps all muslims into the actions of muslim terrorists, it is also offensive when someone lumps me into this stereotype. Just ask that you think about it.

Why disrespect your political beliefs by living in the UK when you think little of their gov't? Have you considering living elsewhere? I only ask as you seem very passionate about it.

ETA: Clarification


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
ok im 19. and im more intrested in seeing people of this world getting the help they need i have no sympathy for leaders like Bush and Blair who think war is the answer to everything. Sunni's and Shia's clash majorly, u need to study shiaism to find out WHY. that war will never ever end!! it is about oil. america can easily do the logical thing along with the UK and pull out and spend the money elsewhere

who cares why.
who's going to stop it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
What do you mean by this? What is the purpose of this statement?

Thanks for the stereotype! Really big of you. Your tops in my book.

Why do you disrespect your beliefs by living in the UK when think so little of their gov't?

because it's safe to be a female with an opinion and a voice there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
What do you mean by this? What is the purpose of this statement?

Thanks for the stereotype! Really big of you. Your tops in my book.

Why do you disrespect your beliefs by living in the UK when think so little of their gov't?

are you offended? its not nice being stereotyped. now you probably know how it feels to see a large group being stereotyped and because of minorites within in them

I dont think little of the UK gvt when did i say that? just because i dont agree with Blair licking Bush's ass dnt mean im disrespecting my beliefs, what are you exactly trying to imply, my parents work damn hard and pay taxes which are wasted on wars when people around the world desperatly need help regardless of race and color


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
because it's safe to be a female with an opinion and a voice there.

thats right, ive had days when even though i dont wear a hijaab and cover up ive had so called "british" scum chavs call me a paki n militant blah blah to go back to my country, thats rich coming from someone living off state benefits and our hard earned tax money is feeding them. if im not going to stand up for myself and what i belive in then who will


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
What do you mean by this? What is the purpose of this statement?

are you native americans? America is made up of french, spanish, german, english, irish, pakistani, indian, bengali, chinese, japanese, australians, koreans. Purpose of my statement is that,


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
who cares why.
who's going to stop it?

America and Britain are certainly not stopping it. you do need to care why, that is the reason for civil unrest in Iraq. its THIER problem.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
thats right, ive had days when even though i dont wear a hijaab and cover up ive had so called "british" scum chavs call me a paki n militant blah blah to go back to my country, thats rich coming from someone living off state benefits and our hard earned tax money is feeding them. if im not going to stand up for myself and what i belive in then who will

Considering the way you're acting during this discussion, I can see why people who know your views would have hostile impressions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Considering the way you're acting during this discussion, I can see why people who know your views would have hostile impressions.

right so me walking down the street quietly my views kept within me is a reason for a scutty tramp to tell me to go back where i come back from, im 19 and work harder then most of these racists nobs who have nothing better to do, so dont say to me the way im acting is a reason for people to be hostile towards me. BULLSHIT.
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