

Well-known member
I'm so excited to see that the Specktra Swatch Request thread registered over 100,000 views this morning!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has supplied pictures for all the swatch requests, especially the ones featuring more arcane, unusual and old school products. Your contributions have been so massively helpful and I'm always (secretly!) pleased when people mention the swatches on Specktra being one of their favourite resources because that's all thanks to you!

Aww, now I'm all mushy.

if you've never used the request thread before, I can't encourage you strongly enough to start making requests and taking pictures.


Well-known member
The Specktra gallery? It's currently being retooled.

That's a separate entity to the swatch request thread, though.


Well-known member
Thank you lara for your swatches too! If I could get my pictures as clear as yours I would do swatches as well.


Well-known member
I love the swatch thread so much!! It's one of the things that drew me to specktra
--everyone's so helpful n honest and willing to give useful information n share things that they know.

Thanks everyone who has contributed


Well-known member
thanks so much to the specktra swatch thread. =)

especially, lara, i constantly find myself going into your personal site to look at swatches. your swatches make everything look gorgeous!


Well-known member
Updating this again!

The Specktra Swatch Request thread registered its 250,000th view today! As of writing this we're at 251,633 and the figure will have increased by the time I finish writing this post.

To give you an idea of the sheer volume of information that moves through that thread that you don't get to see, this is what the thread looks like to me* - page after page of filled requests.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who has contributed their time, energy and camera batteries in order to answer someone else's swatch request. The thread couldn't run without your amazing contributions.

If you've never used the swatch request thread before, I absolutely invite you to participate in one of the biggest, oldest threads on this wonderful site.

* I didn't take this particular screenshot just because it features that awfully attractive James May character on Moxy's avatar. Honestly. No, not at all.