Why a seperate forum?

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Well-known member
i prefer to be integrated rather than segregated. just wondered why this sub forum arose when the use of macs colours are rather universal.

Yes, everyone has different skin tones and colours including all white, black, asian, hispanic people etc.


Well-known member
A proposal for the forum was made and considered by administration. I don't consider it segregated, am surprised and shocked at the insinuation it is such. IMO I considered it catering to women have deeper skintones & who are interested in cosmetics by providing a place for them to address specific issues that get lost or buried in other forums.

The title does not apply to only african american women, though I have to admit I am surprised that most consider the forum title phrase to suggest that. Maybe a re-working is in order. We are always open to your input, please feel comfortable sharing it with us.


Well-known member
Given that M·A·C is for all races, all sexes, all ages, shouldn't you have a forum for darker skinned male members too?


Well-known member
I'm afraid it's not a MAC specific forum, which is why it's under cosmetic discussion. I'm unsure of the direction of the critisim at this point, but since it appears to be a sensitive issue & concerns are taken very seriously, I will suspend the forum until administration has a chance to discuss them further with members.


Well-known member
It is truly disappointing to hear that the Women of color forum has been suspended because of the insinuation that it's "segregating". As a Social Justice Educator who teaches racism, class issues, etc. and who also looooves MAC for the many ways it integrates many lifestyles, races, genders, etc, I really appreciated the fact that there was a forum who directly addressed our issues and concerns. I have been really active on the forum for the past 3 days in particular and in that time I have finally found my foundation match after 3 YEARS of going back and forth with my counter MAs, all of whom were white women. Yes, we all love MAC, white, black, male, female, trans, BUT we all have specific needs that are different from the mainstream culture and population.
Think when MAC released "Boy Beauty". That was them addressing a certain population's needs when they mindfully created shades and items to a particular group.
Okay, venting over.
Janice, I do hope that the Women of Color forum returns. To all those who find it segregating please google some stuff on the true meaning of segregation. Its negativity comes from a historical context which was "FORCED" (when blacks were forced to be separate and unequal to whites)...not when spaces are created to address specific issues!
Okay, rant really over now fa shizzy!


Well-known member
Wow. I am absolutely stunned that the idea of racism would even come into play.
I believe the intention of the administration was to address specific needs and issues of members/customers/makeup wearers with darker skintones, regardless of race.


Well-known member
I am also very disappointed that you are closing the women of darker skintone subforum. It was very useful as we were able to give each other tips on how to make certain products work for us. What looks good on a light skintone does not necessarily translate well on a darker one. With this subforum, it as easier for me to see what could work for me. It had nothing to do with discrimination. You could have participated in this forum if you wanted too. It was never said nor implied that your skin needed to be dark in order for you to intervene.


Well-known member
I am very shocked and disappointed at the members who have chosen to see this as a negative for themselves rather than a positive for others who need input about specific issues concerning them. While this is a "MAC"-centered site, there are concerns that need to be addressed concerning deeper skintones and textures of hair that like Janice said tend to get lost in all of the forums. I have to do a major search before I find one or two threads concerning my skintone and it's frustrating. I believe they were only providing a link to help us gather all of this information together. If "All Races, All Sexes and All Ages" is the motto, why can't we be "included" rather than "excluded"?


Well-known member
wow. i'm seriously shocked that you would find it racist to have a forum that helps address the needs of women of color.. women of color does not imply ONLY black women.. it's black, asian, latin, pacific island etc.. as many of the posters above have said, it has absolutely nothing to do with segregation, but was a place where ALL women of color could find info that applies to their skin tone... not everyone is N3 or C2 so what works for them will not work for us. henceforth, we thought it would be a great resource as an ADDITION to the forum, not as something racist.. NOWHERE on the forum did it say "ONLY women of color post here". if u r a C2 and have great tips for an NC50, by all means, post there! It's not a closed forum
*shrugs* it's just a GREAT way (imo) to streamline info that helps darker skinned women. seriously, i'm disappointed.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The way I feel about it is that there are livejournal communities dedicated to various types of beauty. Asian, black, petite, overweight, etc. It isn't racist at all; it would only be racist if the people of color were not allowed to use the other forums. A separate forum makes sense. People post in race specific beauty communities because they have unique issues when it comes to makeup and fashion. It saves time for me to go to the Asian community and look through the advice to find which foundation color will look good on me than go to a general community to ask and hope that someone will know.

It organizes things very simply, but it includes anyone who wants to join. You don't post questions about Latina makeup issues, for instance, but if you're a Latina who's familiar with Asian makeup issues and how to solve them, you're more than welcome to say something. That's just one example.


Well-known member
wow, I am really shocked that the fact the Women of Color subforum would be considered racist, even in the slightest!:confused: I was very pleased to see that this site would create a subforum to address the issues and concerns that women of color face when it comes to makeup. As previously stated women of color pertains to any and all women of color not just black women. I guess this speaks volumes as to where we still stand when it comes to issues of race. Very sad!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Given that M·A·C is for all races, all sexes, all ages, shouldn't you have a forum for darker skinned male members too?

are you kidding me?


Well-known member
i think it's just plain r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s that anyone would find the slightest reason to complain about it. you're right, devin, it does speak volumes. it's apparent that some people here have issues. like janice said it wasn't a mac specific subforum, so why even bring up mac's motto? that has nothing to do with it. i'm going to ramble about this i can feel it. but it's so frustrating that people can't just get over it already. the forum was open to everyone, not just women of color. i was enjoying the fact that there were new members on specktra who needed advice and were finding it. i think specktra does a DAMN good job of integrating everyone. we're kinda like a big family here. and if some haven't noticed, it's not ALL about mac. jeez. oh yeah, this reminds me, remember when pantene came out with their women of color haircare line? oh lord i heard so many ignorant people calling them "racist". that's so frustrating.

seriously, i think the subforum should be brought back, regardless. it was a wonderful addition to specktra.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
remember when pantene came out with their women of color haircare line? oh lord i heard so many ignorant people calling them "racist".

I don't remember that, and I luckily didn't hang out with people who thought like that. I thought it was a given that different races hair, except maybe Asian (it is really close to being like a white person's), have very different needs. Do people find it racist that there are brands of makeup specifically targetting black women or women of color?


Well-known member
I have been lurking around since August 2006 and have never participated in a forum. BUT I AM MAD and can no longer remain silent. How devilishly selfish of anyone who protested this forum….It must be very nice to be white and everyday see yourself in all the magazines, window-dressings, cosmetic counters and beauty outlets. I am 50 years old and have struggled all my life to find myself in the magazines, etc. to get make-up ideas and help with my hair. I was introduced to MAC in Feb 2006 by an African-American MA who looked like me! When I told her I liked to wear “bold” colors, she knew what to pick for me to give me the different looks I craved – sometimes muted, sexy, dramatic, glamorous or smart. Not once did she think I meant garish, clownish, “exotic” or animalistic. From Glamour Mag to Victoria’s Secret Catalogues, whenever they have a black model, she looks plain and uninteresting [where’s the lipstick and eye color, PLEASE!]. The white models always have color you can SEE on their faces! I’m sure ALL women want the latest look or style; not just white women.

I’m an NW45 and my girlfriend/co-worker is 45 and an NC40 – We were color-swatched by African-Amercian MAs at MAC in Atlanta and they did a perfect job! I had been begging her to join Specktra to read all the exciting information here. I bragged about the FREE-FLOWING information from women who looked like us. Don’t shut us out AGAIN because someone thinks their feelings were hurt.

My family marched during the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s protesting racism and separate but equal and we had to leave our home several times under the cover of darkness running from bomb and death threats. So, I know what racism is and the Women of Color Forum IS NOT RACISM. PLEASE let us have the same access to beauty information other women who do not look like us take for granted! If others are “sensitive”, so be it; you’ll get over it! It IS RACIST to suspend or discontinue this forum.

As an aside, let me tell this story. Last week I printed out “Playing around with color placement“ Juneplum posted 8-27-06 and made up my eyes “using the same colors” she used! When I met my girlfriend/co-worker for lunch, she couldn’t stop complimenting me on my eyes. Although we are both engineers, the look was very professional on me. [She begged me to swatch her!] How sad and what a pity --- here we still get excited about make-up at our ages because we found someone who looked like us who has the beauty and make-up ideas we’re looking for.

Don’t shut us out AGAIN. That would be RACISM!

Thank you for letting me have my say…..


Well-known member
Isperry! Your reply blew me away! Very well said. And thanks to everyone else for posting your comments! Hopefully the administrators will consider bringing the (sub)forum back!


Well-known member
Y'all please remember, the forum was suspended at the request of members who believed or felt it was implemented with (consciously or subconsciously) racial motivations.

Regarding racism: racism can't end until people stop looking for racist motivations where there are none.
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