Why does it bug me so much?


Well-known member
I used to be be really close friends with this girl. I don't see her often as she lives quite far away but last year we saw eachother loads. We didn't really speak for a while - I had family issues and she became really up herself in my opinion. Nevertheless, I still missed her as a friend, and still do. Recently though, we haven't spoken at all, and any efforts I have made have just left her speaking to me like dirt or with no interest. Yesterday, I was on my boyfriend's facebook and left him the status 'i'm too sexy for my shirt...
' and she left the comment 'dislike.' I don't know why...but when she says stuff like that, or doesn't make any effort, it really really gets to me.


Well-known member
It bugs you because of how close you used to be, and now that you've fallen apart you can't help thinking of your good times together. But, if she treats you like dirt, then you are better off without her in your life now, treasure the good times you had, and let the friendship chips fall where they may. If she really belongs in your life, things will work themselves out, and if she isn't then you will still have all the good memories of your earlier friendship.
I once had a friend like this, and have since started ignoring her whenever possible, and I have come out on top. I met so many other people that I wouldn't have if I had put so much effort into a friendship that was unsalvageable, it's not to say that I don't miss her at times, we had some great times together, but now that she is out of my life, I have had even greater times with people who actually want to be my friend and put the effort in to reciprocate the affection that I give them.


Well-known member
I agree, if she is leaving rude comments then she probably doesn't want to be your friend anymore, so there is no reason to try to keep her in your life. Cherish the good memories and the lessons learned together.