Why I'm on a no-buy! (Our New House!!)


Well-known member

not to be vulgar, but you wouldn't believe what we're paying for this house...real estate is so freaking CHEAP here. too bad we're living in missouri...


this sink/vanity is in the walk-in closet- which is MINE. I'm not sharing. We're going to fix the sink and paint it all khaki and sage green

here's the other side of the dressing room- going to paint the white fixtures khaki and replace the metal rack poles with wooden dowel rods...ignore my friend's silly look- he was looking at what the previous owners had done to the sink...they painted a LOT and used that sink to wash their brushes and store paint cans- it's nasty. so before I can use the sink, we have to install a new basin.


Well-known member
it's 100 years old- once we've painted the inside some more, i'll post more pics- you wouldn't believe the way they painted the house. it's just sick. at least they didn't do anything to the outside- but the inside bedrooms are seriously, like a circus and a basket of easter eggs threw up on the walls.


Well-known member
lol.. I was about to say somthing about the colors until u said somthing. But the house is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! I love old/ victorian houses. Mine was built in 1895. =)


Well-known member
yeah, the colors are unbelieveably bad...but i'll post tons of pics once I've got it all up and prettified...closing date is april 21, i plan to spend the entire weekend after that painting like a fiend


Well-known member
I love this house! Beautiful!

The purple & the wood carvings are so pretty!


Well-known member
Wow! I really like this house! You're so lucky! Ours was built in 1964...and it looks like it lol! Definitely post some pictures once you do some paiting, I'd love to see them!


Well-known member
LOL at the sink thing. That's a very charming house and I think the exterior is superpretty! That vanity thing reminds me of my old art class with the cover on the sink... I'm glad you'll repaint it. I guess those people REALLY liked bright colours.
Speaking of home ages, mine's like half a century years old... seriously guys, electric wires are nuts.


Well-known member
well, my friends....i think it fell through. inspection was yesterday, and the foundation is crumbling...so i think we're going to get out of the contract.
so sad.


Well-known member
congratulations on your new home!!! how exciting to get to decorate and personalize =) i wish the housing market in california was as good as the other states. everywhere else in the us 200k will get you a great, big house and here you can maaaaaaaaaybe get a shack, by the freeway, with no utility service nearby, complete with stray cats and crack addicts. hahaha... sigh...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
well, my friends....i think it fell through. inspection was yesterday, and the foundation is crumbling...so i think we're going to get out of the contract.
so sad.

awww booo sorry to hear that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
well, my friends....i think it fell through. inspection was yesterday, and the foundation is crumbling...so i think we're going to get out of the contract.
so sad.

that sucks

it's so hard to find the perfect house

hope it all works out doll


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissMarley
well, my friends....i think it fell through. inspection was yesterday, and the foundation is crumbling...so i think we're going to get out of the contract.
so sad.

Aw Man
But Hay Don't Worry Your Dream Home Is Just Around The Corner!
That Is You And The Owner Making A Deal On Your New Home!

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