Wild bout You too much for me?


Well-known member
Ok, so I LOVE it on everyone I see it on, and it is getting rave reviews everywhere. It would be VERY different for me, as I normally wear nudey lips... should I got for it? I am an NW20/blonde/blue/pink undertones for reference... :confused: Should I use my empties for this, or something I would get more wear out of?


Well-known member
Get it from B2M because if you decide it doesn't work for you, you won't have spent any "real" money. You can always wear it for an evening out if you feel it is too wild for daytime.


Well-known member
I agree with Cruella. Also, make sure if you like the texture since it's matte, as you probaby know.
I normally wear pale lipsticks like you do, but sometimes I try intense colors such as Tassle and Rockocco. I love them, but I didn't like some darker colors on me like Lovemate and I don't swap any cosmetics especially if they're used, so I just gave it to my mother. And it's needless to say that if you ever get the chance to go to a MAC store or counter, try it on yourself before you decide to buy it. I've bought some lip products just because I liked how they looked on people's lips in *pictures*...and I didn't like them on me or didn't like how they looked in person. So it's always best if you can get to see the actual color.


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