wine shade lipstick + blush


i'm having a difficult time of finding a very red wine shade lipstick with matching liner. the shade that i'm looking for should be very close to the shade in the picture below


oh and if someone knows any good blush similar to the colour on the girls cheeks, i would appreciate the info.

thanks :>


Well-known member
Have you tried lipstains for that lipcolor? If I recall correctly, Vincent Longo has a lipstain that color. NARS also might be worth a look, both in the lipsticks and the lip stain glosses.

Also, for the blush, I'd suggest Tarte Cheekstains in Tickled, Flush, or even Blushing Bride (depending on skintone). This will give the translucent naturally flushed appearance and depth of tone as in the photograph.


Well-known member
The lips look a lot like Nars Fire Down Below l/s to me. ITA w/ Marty's blush recs. Tarte's cheek stains would work really well for that look. She mentioned Vincent Longo's stains, and there is a cheek/lip gel stain called Angel's Touch (described as red-purple at that might work for that blush look too. Actually, it might be the right sort of color for the lip look too, so you may able to kill two birds w/ one stone w/ that product.


Well-known member
Rowan's suggestion of Nar's lipstick is good- I reccomended a lip-stain based on the appearance of the photograph. The model is definitely wearing a stain and not a lipstick, based on the way the coloration is. If you want the full lip one color I'd go with a lipstick, if you want the variation in tone like the photo, I'd go with a stain. Lorac and Smashbox also have some nice stains.


thank you for both of you. i'll definately write your recs down and go shopping.
thanks again


Well-known member
Oooh, also, L'Oreal Color Juice in Candy Apple is pretty close, and works well if applied sheerly to make a lip stain. Might be worth a shot as well.


Well-known member
Cranberry e/s gives a similar effect when used on the lips with lipbalm and a touch of gloss.
You could build for a more intense look. (yes, I'm late)


Well-known member
I'm late too but just in case anybody else wants to know.. I have the MAC Pro Longwear in Alta Moda, and I think this might be the thing to achieve the lips look. You can't really use it to stain cheeks though...