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Winged Eyeliner in 3 min! Easy as Never Before.

Ryu Dilong

Hey guys!
I wanted to share with you some tips on how to get that eyeliner....Actually lining eyes with an eyeliner is not that difficult...but what I was always struggling with is making them EVEN!
So in this video I shared some tips on how to get an EVEN SYMMETRICAL eyeliner very easy and quickly!

(the vid is in Spanish, however you can understand easily what I do).

Basically what you do is just trace the shape with a white pencil first, you can use a business card to create a perfect straight line! If you made any mistakes or lines are uneven, white pencil is so easy to erase!
And then apply your liquid liner as if it was a coloring book lulz.

I hope the tutorial and tips are useful for you! Thanks so much!


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