Wisdom teeth removal.


Well-known member
I'm getting them out on the 15th (YES!)
Is there anything I should know about before and after?
The dentist gave me a sheet but I'd like more infomation.
Could you share your experience of getting them removed?


Well-known member
I got one removed a few years back. You're gonna need painkillers afterward. And unfortunately, they'll probably make you nauseated.

I'd suggest going to the drugstore (since you'd have to fill the painkiller prescription anyway!) and buying some Sea Bands. They go around your wrists and apply pressure on a point that helps alleviate nausea.


Well-known member
hmmm.. i had all 4 of mine removed at the same time.. there's not much to share re what u should do before, but for after... it will SUCK! no other way to put it.. have soups, jello, ice cream, milkshakes at home for you to eat in the week or so after they are taken out. do not try to use a straw with anything.. u will suck your stitches out (yes, that happened to me - it wsn't pretty) if ur allergic to codeine make sure your doc gives u painkillers that don't have codeine.. i found out AFTER i started taking mine that codeine and i weren;t friends at all - made me throw up everytime i took it.. since u won't be able to brush your teeth, make a solution of 1/2 mouthwash 1/2 water to rinse with. i used scope mint diluted with water. rinse at least once a day with warm salt water.. it'll help your gums heal.. hope that helps


Well-known member
Use a baby spoon to eat mushy food.
Yeah, it's the best way to go, for sure. I had all four of mine taken out at once, and it sucked, but luckily, your mouth heals pretty darn fast.

Rent some good DVDs.

Stay away from fizzy or really hot drinks, it won't feel good. Also, once you're pretty much healed, you'll have these little pockets in your gums where your teeth once were. They'll give you a little squirty syringe thing to rinse the little holes out. Do it often. It's so traumatic, but you'll end up with food bits stuck in there, and it hurts when that happens. I didn't rinse for a day, and I was miserable.

I pretty much lived off of KFC side dishes for 2 days

Good luck!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Make sure you have someone around to help you for the first day. I had all 4 removed at once (one was even cut out instead of pulled), and I felt wiped out the first day. I didn't use painkillers or anything afterwards. I slept a lot the first day.

It wasn't a horrible experience but it's not something I'd want done frequently.


Well-known member
I had mine taken out last Spring Break. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, it's just not something I would want to do again. I didn't use the prescription pain meds they told me to get, I just used Motrin IB. For me it wasn't painful, just really uncomfortable. I had to wear the icepack around my face for the first day, that was so uncomfortable because it would fall off if I didn't sit up straight, and I was sleepy and wanted to lay down so bad. I heard horror stories of the blood clot coming out then having dry socket, my blood clot did come out, but nothing bad happened, except I was freaking out for a while..lol

It really isn't that bad at all.


Well-known member
I just got mine done last week. You should really just follow whatever your dentist tells you to do. I would suggest iceing your face the entire first day that way you will really cut down on the swelling the next few days. I used bags of frozen corn and peas to ice my face, it helped a lot. My experience was pretty terrible but atleast it only lasts about a week. My holes where they ripped the teeth out of got really infected and I had to get put on antibiotics. My mouth was full of the nastiest smelling and tasting pus it was freaking nasty. If you have any sort of bad taste that doesnt taste like blood and if you see any sort of white liquid coming out of the holes, tell the surgeon immediately because the pain the infection caused was worse than when the teeth first got taken out. When they put me on antibiotics I started feeling soooo much better within the first day. Also, get put to sleep! It will go by much quicker and I hear that the sounds and the feeling of them taking the teeth out is gross. Good luck!


Well-known member
It wasn't bad for me, even with all four out at the same time. I just drooled and vomited blood afterwards for a day or two (and even that wasn't so awful). I was able to eat somewhat normally. However, I wasn't knocked out - I had nitrous. Everyone I know who went under anaesthesia got really nauseated, and had a hugely swollen face for a few days. (I also have bad reactions to anaesthetics, I learned after a thyroid surgery, so if you have had prior experience with that you may want to ask for nitrous instead.) I'm sure your dentist has already told you that you will definitely need someone to drive you home and take care of you afterwards.


Well-known member
i had all four of mine taken out when i realized my dental care was running out(its like $1000 if you arent covered). i just told them to take them out and then they realized that 3 were impacted and i didnt even know. only one was poking out a bit the rest were under my gums still. they didnt put me to sleep they just froze it really good. they just cut into your gums and you can feel chunks of tooth being taken out, a wierd pressure, if you will. very strange. i liked every minute of it. i couldnt feel any pain, and my teeth were being ripped out! so wierd. the healing was a bit not fun as i cant take codene tylenol but i survived. who doesnt like pudding, jello, applesauce and other assorted things... i found that eating mushy food got old fast. i just wanted a honkin' sandwich! lol good luck!


Well-known member
I had all 4 of mine done at the same time. One was even infected. I was allergic to the penasillin? in one of the antibiotics but that was cured quickly.

Tips I can offer:

BEFORE SURGERY, make sure you put on LIP BALM, not lipstick, before going under. Because your mouth will be stretched open for awhile, and the ends of your lips will feel chapped and cracked. I didn't do it, and those were sore.

I didn't really feel pain, nor used the painkillers. Just drank alot of liquids post-surgery, and didn't talk or really open my mouth more than to spit and take pills. But each day it got better.

Keep the mouthwash flowin. When you're ABLE to open your mouth a little wider, use that syringe to clean out your sockets, because food collecting in there can cause infections(or make it worse), plus it can hurt to get stuff in there.

I stayed away from crunchy food for almost 5 days, and when I experemented on that last day with a tortilla chip, it hurt when I bit down with it in the back of my mouth. I was mostly just cautious about jumping back into solid food, and eating softer stuff at first helps get your confidence back.

And yes, you will probably swallow/chew/spit out your stitches. It's normal and they don't taste wierd. But if it feels like you got a hair or something in your mouth/throat, that's what it is. Just let it pass.

And good luck, be sure to get alot of rest, and try not to make the mistake of getting FUNNY movies to watch. That can hurt worse than eating solid food right away!


Well-known member
My experience actually wasn't too bad, considering I am a total pain wuss and I can think of few experiences more unpleasant than anything involving dentists/oral surgeons.

Your doctor's advice is very important, of course, but for me, these were the highlights:

I wish someone had told me this when I got mine taken out, but when you come out after the surgery, the stuff they use to knock you out may make you extremely emotional initially. I cried like a baby for no reason, and a lot of other people I know did too. Don't worry about it; it just happens!

You should make sure that you have someone to look after you for at least the first two days. The first day is more of a necessity, and the second is really for comfort. You won't be an invalid the second day, but it really helps to have someone else do the dirty work for you!

After taking off the first round of gauze on the wounds, if the bleeding hasn't slowed down significantly, tea bags soaked in room temperaturish water to bite down on are great. You may not be able to bring yourself to drink tea for a while after this experience, but the tea really helps and is very soothing.

Be very careful with anything you eat or drink. Rinse your mouth out well regularly, but do it by rolling your head around and NOT swishing like you normally do with mouthwash. Too much pressure on the wounds will break the clots that are forming.

You will probably be very hungry once you recover from the initial drugs they give you, actually, since you have to fast before the surgery. You'll want soft foods (mashed potatoes, tomato soup, apple sauce, etc.), but nothing too warm for the first couple of days, as that will also break the clots. Don't drink anything out of a straw for the first couple days.

If you're a regular coffee drinker, be sure to have some caffeinated soda around for the first couple days when you can't drink anything warm. I found that I underestimated how addicted I was to coffee on the second day when I had a pounding withdrawl headache. You don't want to add to your discomfort, so if this is a problem for you, definitely drink something cool with caffeine.

Keep some ice packs covered in a towel over your mouth to reduce the swelling. This helps not only with the swelling, but also with any bruising you might get on your face.

I had Vicodin, and it didn't make me sick, but sometimes pain killers do make people nausated, so keep a trash can or a bucket handy in case you toss your proverbial cookies. Incidentally, if you are on birth control and you start getting sick from the pain killers, you may have to take your BCP pills in the "alternate method" (I think you can figure that out without me going into detail) so that you don't get thrown off by not digesting the pill.

Above all, just try to relax and take it easy. Your body will be able to help you heal much better if you are relaxed and someone else is taking care of your worries for you. Good luck! It isn't really as bad as it seems!


Well-known member
Avoid any medication containing aspirin or eating Chinese food for 48 hours prior to the procedure. Some mushrooms used in Chinese cooking contain substances which interfere with blood clotting as does aspirin.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I wanted all four pulled out a once, because I know myself, if I'm in too much pain, I won't come back; the dentist said he couldn't. People were scaring me including my boss about how bad it is, so I made no plans for that weekend, except to stay home and rest. I was put to sleep for the procedure; I have a rule if it can cause a lot of pain, put me to sleep. Guess what? It was no big deal. When I got back home on Friday, I went to bed because I was told that I could not eat (for at least 12 hours) nor smoke (for about 2 days). I awoke in the middle of the night, had soup and went back to sleep. I didn’t need the pain reliever, I felt uncomfortable but no real pain, just hunger. On Saturday, I felt fine, so I agreed to baby-sit my niece (toddler).

I have to admit that a few days later I was thinking about all the things people told me (especially the men) and I said “what a bunch of wimps”.


Well-known member
My only real advice: Do what your dentist tells you to do. I had to have four impacted teeth removed that were infected, and let me tell you, the pain would have been waaaaay worse had I not listened to the doc about avoiding certain foods and drinks.

And get used to the sight of blood. After your teeth get pulled, they pack the sides of your face with gauze to soak up the blood and you have to change them every now and then. It looks pretty nasty, and hurts the day of the surgery, but it's better than drinking blood, haha.

You'll be fine though. It's relatively painless if you don't have an infection. My experience was very very bad, so I can't really offer you anything. OH, get pudding! Trust me, pudding > applesauce, and if you're going to have to be sucking down smooshy things, they might as well be tasty!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester

I stayed away from crunchy food for almost 5 days, and when I experemented on that last day with a tortilla chip, it hurt when I bit down with it in the back of my mouth. I was mostly just cautious about jumping back into solid food, and eating softer stuff at first helps get your confidence back.

OMG DO NOT EAT CHIPS. Even a month after it hurt me.

MAC is love

Well-known member
My friend got hers pulled 2 years ago and she said the meds they gave her to put her to sleep or whatever made her WAAAAAAAY loopy. I guess the nurse put these shoe cover thingies over her shoes and at the end of the surgery the nurse started to take them off and my friend was like, "BACK THE F*CK UP! LEAVE 'EM ON! WHERE'S MY MOMMY?" and then started crying like a total baby. Hahaha..sorry..just thought I'd share.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC is love
"BACK THE F*CK UP! LEAVE 'EM ON! WHERE'S MY MOMMY?" and then started crying like a total baby. Hahaha..sorry..just thought I'd share.


MAC is love

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop

I loved hearing her story about her wisdom teeth removal. She also told her mom that she wasn't going to take the Vicodin they gave her so she could be a "drug dealer" and sell it to people


Well-known member
make sure the dentist knows about any allergies you have. my mom is allergic to a certain painkiller (not sure which one) & it turns out i'm allergic to it too (i wasn't aware of this before my surgery). they prescribed me with Toradol explaining that the majority of people had side effects with taking T3. turns out i'm HEAVILY allergic to whatever's in Toradol & i had this huge reaction in my legs which made it extremely painful to stand or walk. i was bedridden & away from work for about a month.

try to sleep as much as you can after the surgery & keep cold packs on your face 24/7. i agree with everything medusalox said. use a baby spoon & rinse with the syringe after everything you eat!! (little chunks of food in the sockets = owie.) also, do NOT pull out your stitches. if they're the dissolving kind, it's best to just leave them alone.. i had one that started to fall out & it was poking me in the cheek & bugging the hell out of me, so i figured it wouldn't be a big deal if i pulled it out the rest of the way.. OH MY GOD. horrible idea. it hurt soo bad. good luck!