WOC: Venomous Villains


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Soul Unique
They most definitely could have done plenty with the Dr Facilier collection, I mean come on MAC 'the shadow man' and you give him just 3 pigments [including a permanent]?!!! There was an opportunity to bring in some exciting new eye shadow colours and textures, contouring kits, paint pots. Bleh!! MAC made an epic flop with this part of VV.

If MAC ever does put out another Disney collabo several years from now, i'd like to see all WOC represented well!

Princess Jasmine
Princess Tiana

That would be so awesome. But you never see Pocahontas or Mulan on any of their princess stuff. Sad. I bet they'd be womp and give us Snow White, who far from being a makeup inspiration, has two dots and a squiggle for a face.


Well-known member
Actually Im not that intrested in this collection I "only" want the greasesticks!! I do like the msf shadow in green and blue BUT Im most intrested in the green one so I'll probebly skip that.

I have some swatches on my blog on NW45 skin


Well-known member
3 of the 4 items I purchased yesterday are now sold out! Yikes! I hope I still get all of my items shipped.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
3 of the 4 items I purchased yesterday are now sold out! Yikes! I hope I still get all of my items shipped.

Dag! i will be in-store BRIGHT and early on Thursday...I couldn't do any pre-ordering and I forewent unveiling :-(

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
That would be so awesome. But you never see Pocahontas or Mulan on any of their princess stuff. Sad. I bet they'd be womp and give us Snow White, who far from being a makeup inspiration, has two dots and a squiggle for a face.

I guess we haven't seen Pocahontas and Mulan, because they're not oficially 'Princesses' but they could shy away from that and just focus on the beauty of the characters.

Lol @ Snow White, its a known FACT that she was Disney' original ugly duckling, so i'd love to see them explain how she ended up in a beauty collection, with her squiggle features.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Dag! i will be in-store BRIGHT and early on Thursday...I couldn't do any pre-ordering and I forewent unveiling :-(

I just checked my bank account, and I was charged the full amount of my purchase so I should be good to go!

I wouldn't worry about items being sold out today. I'm sure they'll be back in stock online Thursday for the official launch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Soul Unique
They most definitely could have done plenty with the Dr Facilier collection, I mean come on MAC 'the shadow man' and you give him just 3 pigments [including a permanent]?!!! There was an opportunity to bring in some exciting new eye shadow colours and textures, contouring kits, paint pots. Bleh!! MAC made an epic flop with this part of VV.

If MAC ever does put out another Disney collabo several years from now, i'd like to see all WOC represented well!

Princess Jasmine
Princess Tiana

You can get one out of the four, but not all- too much color!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
What do you ladies think of "Innocence, Beware"? Tell me it's not unique, and that I don't need it...

you don't need it..how's that??

so dupeable..

just came back from the mall..I've redone my list to

Hot House
wicked ways
toxic tale sad to say is dupeable..one of the creamsheen..

ok one last thing..I'm going through some of my NYX Goddess of the Night glosses..guess what I found??

a dupe for RIS...NYX115 African Queen if used with light hand..
also NYX111 Lollipop..any of the nudes lippies..NYX makes some great falls colors for WOC and guess what?? they are half the cost..

also if possible if someone has BOA..please swatch or give me some feedback on Serenely Beauty Power Blush..I know one is a matte and the other has simmer to it..but I'm just curious of the colors..thanks

I say invest in the cooling powder..so lovely over the pro longwear foundation..yummy stuff.. oh and the mirror..

and the MES she who dares..the green is hot...

the polishes are nice to the red one bad fairy..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
What do you ladies think of "Innocence, Beware"? Tell me it's not unique, and that I don't need it...

i don't think its that special.


I know it has probably been asked before, but is BOA close to Marine Life? Also, has anybody looked at Darkly My Dear? If so, how does it work on darker skin?


Well-known member
I ordered Darkly My Dear. I am thinking that it might be the matte version of x-rocks or Nars Plasir or Doucuer, we shall see, could be nothing alike.


Well-known member
How many WOC got the Briar Rose beauty powder?? Is it unique and pigmented enough to get? I am still debating whether or not to get it....


Well-known member
My final haul consisted of: Magically Cool Liquid Power in Cajun, She Who Dares Mineralize Shadow, My Dark Magic Mineralize Shadow, and Bad Fairy Nail Lacquer. I swatched Briar Rose Beauty Powder and it reminded me of a slightly pink version of On a Mission from Style Warriors so passed on that. Also, Bite of an Apple reminded me of Marine Life and NARS Exhibit A so I passed on that as well. Didn't try any eyeshadows or lip products because I either already have the colors or something similar. Alrighty well, no more MAC for me until December...now I'm waiting on the Sephora F&F.


Well-known member
Well I guess I will be going to my MAC store to swatch the BR...hope I don't like it..lol...so I can save some money! I really don't want to go because I always end up getting more than I need to...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAChostage
^^Any idea on when the Sephora F&F might happen?

I believe it begins the end of October. I forget the exact date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Notorious19
My final haul consisted of: Magically Cool Liquid Power in Cajun, She Who Dares Mineralize Shadow, My Dark Magic Mineralize Shadow, and Bad Fairy Nail Lacquer. I swatched Briar Rose Beauty Powder and it reminded me of a slightly pink version of On a Mission from Style Warriors so passed on that. Also, Bite of an Apple reminded me of Marine Life and NARS Exhibit A so I passed on that as well. Didn't try any eyeshadows or lip products because I either already have the colors or something similar. Alrighty well, no more MAC for me until December...now I'm waiting on the Sephora F&F.

Have you tried to Cajun powder yet? How do you like it? I have it on hold and I really want it, but haven't seen many reviews from WOC about it. I'm hoping the finish is something like my Stila Ilumminating Power in Bronze. Thanks!

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