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WOC YOUTUBE TUT. Copper, Gold, Smoky eye


Well-known member
This is my first tut... I'm posting it here, because I know how hard it is to find WOC Tuts online. I guess if it had a name the look would be called Smoky Golden Penny? Idk.... I've use cooper, gold, and black to create a smoky eye. There are three parts....

  • How I apply foundation and concealer
YouTube - Part 1: Foundation
  • How I apply Eyeshadow
YouTube - Part 2: Eyeshadow
  • How I set the look with Finishing Touches
YouTube - Part 3: Finishing Touches

I would really appreciate it if you subscribe... I'm going to have so much fun with my $300 MAC Haul.... so I will for sure make more videos. And this was also my 1st time using my MAC for editing video even though I've owned it for a year... So the more I learn about editing the better my videos will become. So Please Check Me Out!