Womens Rights, and how lucky we really are...


Well-known member

These articles really make me sad... We get different ones on occasion from different parts of the world ever now and again as they hit the news. But every time I read them I really think to myself about how lucky I was, that out of all the places in the world to be born, I ended up in the United States. Granted it's not perfect in the states, but by comparison, it's a million times better.

Kinda makes me also think that that website about hating American Women, and how there still are many men in this country who would probably welcome being able to treat women like in the less fortunate area's of the world.


Well-known member
This is a prime example of why I am insanely glad that my father had the foresight to leave Pakistan decades ago.

This kind of stuff won't stop without outside pressure.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
That's so sad. What a horrible way to go. I can't imagine what kind of mental torment someone would have to set themselves on fire


Well-known member
We are very lucky. We don't realize it either but we are so fortunate.

Thats so horrible about that woman- I can only imagine

Ms. Z

Well-known member
This is so sad; its a shame that these women have to take these drastic measures. My heart goes out to them and the other woman & children that are abused due to ridiculous and stupid customs.

I really don't think I could ever do that to myself, but I know me and if I felt I had to do it to get out of a situation, I'm taking my tormentor w/me.


Well-known member
Thanks for the article, I'm from Pakistan too, and it's sad how they treat women there. It's like we're the dirt under their shoes.


Well-known member
Articles like this break my heart for more than one reason. Can you imagine a life where you felt that your sole option was to set yourself on fire to fix everything? How bad to things have to be to get to that level, and if so, why are so many people just sitting by while it happens?! I didn't read a single line in that article that suggested anyone but outsiders felt it was a problem- it makes me question their society's values a bit, even if I don't quite understand their society in the first place.

These types of articles also make me feel so damn selfish. I'm not even twenty- I never had to fight for my rights, I was born with them. I can vote, enlist in the military, apply for just about any job I want, walk down the street by myself, drive a car, choose to marry and to whom, and so many other things that so many other women dream of doing. I wish they could know what its like to be your own person, but I know until their society changes its views they'll probably never know what that's like.


Well-known member
I don't really know what to say. I lived in Bahrain from when I was 9 up until this year (now in Jordan). In Bahrain women can vote and hold office, so I'm happy to be a Bahraini - American citizen versus countries where women haven't gained as much equality.

I don't think those kinds of things will ever stop... maybe be supressed or drop in rate, but not totally come to an end. There's always odd (odd as in not the norm) sects that hold so rigidly to their beliefs they harm everyone around them. Tragic that this kind of violence on the rise again though.