Woodburn, OR CCO (Woodburn Company Stores)


New member
I really prefer the Woodburn CCO over the one at Seattle Premium outlets just because I usually find more of the items that I want at Woodburn. I agree with most people about CCO's being a hit and miss but what more can we ask for 30% off retail price for MAC. Last time I went I remember seeing lots of skincare mostly in the older packaging but some recent ones as well, some bags, mineralize satinfinishes(didn't look at the shades), there were tons of blushes, lip products, brow and eye products. I really like the CCO in Woodburn. I have to say for a CCO it's more complete than others. I hope this helped someone!


Well-known member
Ok. I went and it was not at all exciting. Everything was meh.

I did see a 224 brush. But nothing that is hard to find or most desired.
sorry gals.

I'll go back sometime after 3/6 (that's when the Coach outlet opens there!)


Well-known member
Can someone get shy beauty for me if you see it, pretty please? My bro's gf stole it and I've been looking for it ever since. I have non-cc paypal I can send right away....


Well-known member
I went this past weekend. Let's see what I remember...

Lots of Charged Waters
Assorted old packaging skincare
Lots of loose powders which I assumed were either Blot or Select Sheer
Mineralize Sheersheen powders
Old English from Monogram
A handful of Mineralize Skinfinish Natural powders
Mineralize Satinfinish
Blush powders including X Rocks and Spaced Out
Like 7 different shades of Cremeblush
Lots of LE lipsticks, notable ones being ones from Moonbathe, Neo Scifi, Originals and Blast O Blue from C-Shock
Lots of LE lipglasses, like Nothingless from McQueen, Moonbathe from Moonbathe, Naked Space from Neo Scifi, Bonus Beat & Sock Hop from Heatherette
Several Prolongwears, most from Lustretwins, but notably Legendary from Raquel Weltch
Comet Blue Dazzleglass
Several lip palttes from Novel Twist, and holiday 2008
Architecture, Chartru and other Paints
Glitter liquid liners from past collections like Pewter pink, and also Kitty Power
Heatherette duo liners, some Softsparkle Pencils. Think I saw some Pearlglides too
Several Brow sets including Dressed, as well as Brow Shaders
Tempting & Shadowy lady Quads
Passionate, Electric Eel, Flourishing, Poison Pen, Graphology, Typographic, Submarine, Meet The Fleet, Warming Trend eyeshadows among others
Rollickin, LOTS of Electrosky, and other Paint Pots
Warm Pigment/Glitter set 2008
Warm Holiday eye palette 2008
Classic Holiday eye palette 2008
Brush sets from holiday 2008
Perfect Style Brush set
LOTS of Nail lacquers
Lots of LE as well as Perm brushes
Stylistics fashion clutch
Lots lots more!

There was soo much! It's such a lovely store, I really enjoyed it.


Well-known member
I should update more, I go there probably once a month, I live so close. I'm just lame! I did get Feline there today though. It was hiding in the drawers behind the counter, I happened to spot it when she was digging out my Pearl Glide liner.

Other then that, I have nothing to report besides what Bunny saw...
Oh, except they had Bumble and Bumble in old style packaging!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I should update more, I go there probably once a month, I live so close. I'm just lame! I did get Feline there today though. It was hiding in the drawers behind the counter, I happened to spot it when she was digging out my Pearl Glide liner.

Other then that, I have nothing to report besides what Bunny saw...
Oh, except they had Bumble and Bumble in old style packaging!

Where do you live?
I have family in Molalla (sp?) which is how I ended up seeing that CCO. I'm from Seattle so yeah don't make it there very often


I just went there for the first time on Monday. I got a fafi (sp? high top, I think) lipstick, the pervette lipstick, comet blue dazzleglass, bronzescape solar bits, and shush tendertone for like $57.00. Score. ^_^


Well-known member
I was there yesterday. They had several Starflash e/s. Go, Talent Pool are 2 that come to mind. They also had the BBR MSFs. Had a 188 brush and the Nordstrom exclusive Holiday full sized brush kit with the pink liner.

I picked up 2 piggies: Copperclast and Bell Bottom Blue


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mochajavalatte
Where do you live?
I have family in Molalla (sp?) which is how I ended up seeing that CCO. I'm from Seattle so yeah don't make it there very often

I live near Newberg, and work in Portland, so I'm really not that far from Woodburn at all. In fact I think Molalla might be further!
I have been so busy that I haven't been to the CCO in some time, maybe I'll go pick up a blonde msf....thanks for the update akcmommy!


Well-known member
^^ I live in Newberg...where by Newberg are you? Anyways, I went to this CCO and it is seriously not worth the trip imo. I saw mink and sable, sunset b, and a couple other shadows in the perm line. Electro Sky p/p, bonus beat, overrich l/s, and nothing else stood out to me


Just went a 2 days ago. They had tons on mineralize eye shadow.
Pigments in bell bottom blue, steel blue, cocomotion, Smoke signal, a couple of greens and an orange. They had tons of brushes, tendertones, 2 paint pots, Eyeshadows in: dream maker, knight, mont black, glamour check, pin curl, a few different blue colors, mink & sable. They had a few diff shade sticks I know for sure they have Penny & Beijing. No MSFs at this time and all foundations (MAC anyway) are NC33 and above I think. Thats all I really remember off the top of my head.


New member
i was there on friday (aug.4)and they had quite a few things. one rose romance quad, tempting quad, shadowy lady quad, blast o blue lip, style minx lg, alot of cream blushes, pigments like spiritualize, sea and sky mes, a few mineral blushes, some old packaging skincare, bing mattene. i'd say a better turnout than usual.


any update with this cco?
my bro is making the long trip there this weekend and wondering if there is anything he can pick up for me


New member

Has anyone been to this CCO recently? I'm heading to Oregon in a few weeks and I was hoping to head down to Woodburn one day, seeing as I live in Canada and have zero CCOs available to me! I was just wondering if anyone has seen anything fun or pretty or fantastic while there in the last little while!


Well-known member
I was there last week, they had a ton of Refined MSF, both beauty powders from Hello Kitty. They had some of the look boxes that Nordies did. Some cream blushes, and both NeoSciFi blushes. They had a couple of different shadesticks, including all three from the same collection that Refined was in. They had several pigments, including Smoke Signal and Mutiny, and several different eyeshadows as well, including some mineralized and starflash. I may go again on Friday, so I'll update with anything I see if I do.

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